Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Old Do I Have To Be For Retirement

Literary Award Giuseppe Giusti (Deadline 10/09/2010)

The Award is divided into four sections, three of which
Poetry - Fiction - Books
alternatively be implemented while the section devoted to satire with published works of fiction, poetry and graphics, is present every year.
This year will be considered non-fiction works published and also, as every year, the first work by a young author (maximum age 35 years) that can be either poetry, fiction or nonfiction.
A select and view the works competition in a panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters as follows: Henry Ghidetti (President) Joseph Amodei, Marino Alberto Balducci, Sergio Givone, Elena Gianini Belotti, Marco Marchi, Anna Nozzoli.

All entries must be received by September 10 will be the postmark.
The rules and procedures for the accession can be downloaded from the site of the town
or may be required to 0572.959228/41 Cultural Office of the City available for any clarification.


The City of Monsummano Terme and the Association of Volunteers Italian Blood (AVIS), section of Monsummano Terme, promote international literary prize called "literary prize GIUSEPPE GIUSTI.

Article 2
The award is divided into four sections, three of which (A, B, C) implemented either: A
- Poetry published;
B - published fiction;
C - Books published;
D - Satire, Annual reserved for published works of fiction, poetry, graphics.
We shall examine the recommended works by authors, publishers, members of the Jury, published as provided by art. 7.
in the "A", "B" and "C" each year a prize will be reserved for the work before a young author (age limit 35 years).
In 2007, the year of initial application of this regulation, the competition will be confined to the "C" works of fiction published. In subsequent years, the order will, in turn, as follows: "A", "B", "C".

may be reported:
- For the "A" a collection, edited and poems;
- For the "B" a single work published;
- For the "C" work published;
- For the "D" a work published.
The works must be accompanied by a declaration that the stesse non sono risultate vincitrici del I° premio in altri concorsi.

Art. 4
Al concorso possono partecipare autori italiani e stranieri.
Le opere devono essere in lingua italiana; quelle in lingua straniera o in dialetto, per essere ammesse al concorso, devono essere accompagnate da traduzione in lingua italiana curata dai concorrenti.
Alla segnalazione devono essere unite almeno otto copie dell’opera, pena l’esclusione dal concorso.

Art. 5
Non potranno partecipare al concorso opere di ex membri della Giuria del "Premio letterario Giuseppe Giusti", prima che siano trascorsi cinque anni dalla appartenenza alla Giuria del Premio medesimo.

Art. 6
Gli organizzatori del Premium reserve the right to publish, while maintaining, in the case of commercial exploitation, the copyright in accordance with the prevailing legislation, the material admitted to the competition and in particular the works have been successful.
In this case, the volume will be distributed nationally and will be sent to literary critics, press and libraries.
Each author will share ten copies of the book.

The entries can be edited in the three years preceding the date of publication of the prize. For works
reported by the author, by publishers, members of the jury, means that the competition has been approved by the author.
Article 8 The

membership cards, duly completed should reach the Secretariat of the Prize (PO Box 199-51015 or Monsummano Terme: Piazza IV Novembre 75 / h, 51 015 - Monsummano Terme) by September 10 of each year. The stamp and postal cards not postmarked before the deadline will not be eligible for the competition.
The material included in the selection will not be returned.
The organization is not liable for damage or tampering due to shipping.

Article 9 The works will be evaluated, according to final and binding, by a special panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters, which may vary from year to year.
The names of members, seven in number, saranno resi noti annualmente al momento della pubblicazione del Bando.

Art. 10
I premi sono così stabiliti:
- Sezioni “A”, “B” e “C” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- Sezione “D” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- “Opera prima” premio unico Euro 500,00.
Ai vincitori è garantita una promozione pubblicitaria attraverso la stampa e in rete Internet.

Art. 11
Gli organizzatori provvederanno ad avvisare in tempo utile i vincitori e l'esito del Premio sarà reso noto attraverso la stampa ed altri canali di informazione.

Art. 12
I premi non ritirati personalmente entro trenta giorni dalla data Award will not be assigned and will be used for the next edition. Article 13

No refund for travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation for participants of the prize. Article 14

Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this regolamento.ano Spa - (PT)

Cultural Office, Monsummano Terme
Phone 0572 959 236 Fax 52 283 0572
email: @ e.vigilanti comune.monsummano-terme.pt.it
Emanuela Watchers

expires September 10 of each year
Send in a sealed envelope together with an application developed to
Terme Piazza IV Novembre, 75 / h
51015 Monsummano Terme - (PT)


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