Saturday, August 28, 2010

Burns Tinned Cat Food


Chiesa Parrocchiale, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Sabato 11 settembre ore 21.00

Con immensa gioia, ci apprestiamo a vivere un altro momento magico, il prossimo 11 settembre alle ore 21.00 in occasione della seconda rassegna delle corali dedicata alla memoria di Don Guido Franco che avrà luogo presso la Chiesa parrocchiale di Pralormo.
Dall’agosto 1968 al luglio 1970, Don Guido Franco prestò la sua opera come vice Parroco in aiuto all’ ormai anziano Don Teobaldo Massasso.
He particularly care for young people, founded a theater company also teaching children to singing and music. When in 2001 Don Guido prematurely disappeared leaving a huge void in our hearts, the echo of what happened was huge and was manifested through various statements expressed in the press. However, the rivers of ink could not be enough to commemorate paid in full, over the figure of the priest, even that of the musician and passionate founder and curator of the Polyphonic Choir of Villafranca d'Asti.
short, something was missing! ... The master Pasquero bound by deep friendship, musician and harmonize many of the pieces performed by the choir Don Guido, began to mature the idea of \u200b\u200ba survey that would gather the experiences of many choirs scattered throughout our valleys in order to keep alive what has been one of his greatest aspirations. For eight long years, the project remained only as a dream in a drawer.
Finally last year, thanks to Don Carlo's current pastor of Villafranca was put into effect the first edition, the moment was lived with great interest and excitement in the hope that the initiative had a follow-up . Indeed there is a better glue of music and song to bring together many people and so many hearts in a single memory that the scope of these reviews have the objective of making indelible legacy of this priest.

Thanks Don Guido.
sleep on our communities.

Marco P. and F. Romano


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