Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Is The Location Of The Sims 2 Deluxe Setup

Literary Prize Deadline (30/09/2010)

Regolamento 2010 del “Premio Letterario Giorgio Scerbanenco”

Per iniziativa della Direzione del Courmayeur Noir in Festival, in accordo con la famiglia Scerbanenco, è bandito per l’anno 2010 il “Premio Letterario Giorgio Scerbanenco”, da assegnare ad un’opera di narrativa italiana di genere noir con le caratteristiche e secondo le modalità sotto indicate. La Segreteria del Premio è domiciliata presso la sede organizzativa del Courmayeur Noir in Festival, c/o Studio Coop., Via Panaro 17 – 00199 Roma (tel 06 8603111, email: ).

1. Possono concorrere al Premio le opere italiane di narrativa noir (yellow, thriller, mystery), which are regularly entered the contest by the editor or author. The works must be published for the first time in volume during the period October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010 and regular trade, and their authors be living at the time of the selection meeting. Can not compete for the works of nature essay, graphic novels, truecrime, anthologies of short stories and books published by publishers for a fee. Can not be taken into account previously published works, even with a different publisher. In case of any dispute the decision of the Technical Committee set up specially.

2. The publishers and authors who are interested in entering i loro romanzi al Premio, si impegnano a far pervenire alla Segreteria per email esplicita richiesta di partecipazione, a partire dal momento della pubblicazione fino al termine massimo del 30 settembre 2010. L’indirizzo a cui inviare la richiesta è:

3. La Direzione del Festival nomina ogni anno, con mandato triennale rinnovabile, la Giuria del Premio, formata da scrittori, critici e cultori del genere e dal Presidente, nominato in accordo con la famiglia Scerbanenco. Non potranno far parte della Giuria direttori editoriali, dipendenti di case editrici e curatori di collane editoriali di genere noir. La Giuria e il suo Presidente restano in carica per un triennio e possono essere rinominati per unsecondo triennio. L’accettazione part of the jury involves the implicit acceptance of these Regulations; also includes participation in events organized by the award at the closing celebration, and a willingness to intervene in other initiatives related to the Prize and this year organized by the Festival .

4. The Department also appointed a Technical Committee consisting of three persons and chaired by the President of the Prize, Cecilia Scerbanenco, which has the specific task of establishing, in the interpretation of these regulations, eligibility or not to award the proposed works. Findings of the Technical Committee is final.

5. Publishers or authors of these works must send the Secretary of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival, starting from the time of publication until the deadline of September 30, 2010 (starts from the date of dispatch documents), nine copies of each work entered. In the event that the work does not contain the suenote typographical indication of the month and year of publication, this information must be established by written declaration by the publisher under his full responsibility. If the work was published under a pseudonym, you need a written statement that the name of the author. Copies of the work should be sent to the Secretary's Award for free and will not be returned. Authors of works entered in the competition that they would not enter the competition must state explicitly in writing to the Secretariat before the final selection.

6. The Jury of the will as November 1, 2010 to the selection of a shortlist of finalists, not exceeding a maximum of twenty titles. They can also be chosen works that have received prizes in literary competitions that are of general or in advance by the award winning authors Scerbanenco. Discrezionedella A jury may be excluded from the competition novels that are winners of literary awards for crime fiction. The jury's decision is final.

7. The list of the twenty finalists will be published on the website of the Festival and the literary supplement of La Stampa "Tuttolibri" and thus subject to the opinion of readers who will vote for their favorite title on the website of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival not later than November 20, 2010.

8. The sum of the weighted votes "privileged" the jury and those of the readers voting will lead to the five finalists of the "Premio Giorgio Scerbanenco 2010. The authors of fiction finalists will give their consent to be included in the fives, if not automatically replace the first non-classified.

9. The presence of the five finalists for the award involves the participation of the authors events organized during the Festival, except in cases of force majeure.

10. The Festival will provide travel expenses and subsistence to the authors of the five finalists who will be present in Courmayeur at the event. These works may use the title "George Scerbanenco Award Finalist" and this statement will be given by the editor on a special tape to be carried out according to the organizers of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival.

11. The Prize Jury will meet during the Courmayeur Noir in Festival to decide the winner of the year. The decision will be taken by simple majority and in case of a tie, the Chairman's vote will double value. E 'possible to resolve an ex aequo.

12. The work that gets the most votes from the jury during the deliberation session was proclaimed winner of the "Premio Giorgio Scerbanenco 2010" and its endorsement by the Publisher may be put on a special tape to be carried out in agreement with the organizers the Courmayeur Noir in Festival. Winning work will receive a plaque and awarded an additional prize money of € 3,000 (three thousand). In the case of ex aequo the prize among more than one work is divided into equal parts.

13. The awards will take place in Courmayeur in the course of the Festival. Prizes must be collected in person by the victors. Except in cases of force majeure, if not purchased by the author winner, the prize money will not be delivered.


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