Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Manual For Creative Sb0480

Sunday, February 6, 2011, 11:30 am, Piazzale Lido, Terracina - RIDING THE CITY

NOTE: After
you connect to Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle on Facebook.

The CITY RIDING will always in the spirit of "CRITICAL MASS" , "We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the critical mass), it is a " organized coincidence ", everyone participates with OWN PERSONAL REASONS , etc.etc.

What is Critical Mass?
... Given the lack of organization, recognized leaders, the default paths, the "CRITICAL MASS" can not be treated as a demonstration and it is usual to have cognitive difficulties that the authorities do not have a referent specific place to go ... Each participant is responsible
... a titolo personale dei propri atti, e quindi decide autonomamente se e quali norme violare...
....di chi partecipa alla Critical, i quali ritengono che la mobilità nelle città possa essere migliorata grazie alle biciclette e ad altri mezzi di trasporto alternativi rispetto al trasporto privato delle automobili....
La Critical Mass è spesso definita una "coincidenza organizzata" , senza leader, organizzatori, o membri individuati da qualcosa che non sia la loro partecipazione all'evento...
...Proprio in conseguenza di questa mancanza di gerarchia, è richiesto che i cicloattivisti prendano responsabilità dell'evento, ciascuno individualmente.....

For more information click on the following link: (event)

That said, however, as a promoter COMMITTEE CYCLE TERRACINA me "runs the 'obligation' to invite all friends of the CTC, that share its goals, asking to participate in the implementation of
cycle lanes for MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
try to raise awareness and involve the public and consequently the current MUNICIPALITY (and future) on this issue, then, SIGNS like the photo on the sidelines, or anything else your imagination said, as long as it calls attention to what predicted.
Thanks for bed and .... on Sunday, February 6 ... MANY, MANY ... AND THE through word of mouth, try to make Terracina more "liveable"! ! The Organizing Committee

Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone


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