" ZOCCA YOUNG (expires 10/02/2011)
YEAR 2011 1. The City of Zocca, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Regione Emilia Romagna and the Province of Modena has called the "Prize for fiction Zocca Youth" to be awarded annually to the published works of Italian fiction whose authors are not older than 35 years of age at the date of publication of the work.
2. May contribute to the prize works of fiction published between March 1, 2010 and January 30, 2011, in regular trading, which the authors respond to the requirement to master one point.
3. The City of Zocca appointment a judging panel of persons who have distinguished themselves in the literary, journalistic, artistic, theatrical and entertainment, choosing from among its members the President. For the year 2011, the jury is as follows: • Mauro Castelli
• Apple • Nana Cecchi Cecchi
• Alberto Melloni
• Licia Miani Begg - Secretary of the Jury
• Gianni Angelo Righetti
• • •
Vasco Rossi Marco Santagata - President
4. The works entered will be sent free of charge by the authors or publishers, the secretary of the prize:
- City of Zocca - Market Street, 104-41059 Zocca in the number of 10 copies.
- On the envelope should be marked "Prize for fiction Zocca Young."
- The shipment must be made before February 10, 2011, will be the date of shipping postmark.
- The organization of the premium due is not responsible for any postal delay.
- is not required fee.
- The shipment must be accompanied by application to the prize giving: name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address if available.
- The volumes will not be returned.
5. Each author will participate with one work. Works that are eligible or have been engaged in other competitions.
6. The jury, by the end of March, will select the five finalists.
7. The finalists will be submitted to the consideration of a readership made up of residents and vacationers in Zocca. For this the publishers or authors of the five selected films will, upon request of the Secretariat of the competition, send an additional 20 free copies.
8. Each player will give its opinion on all the selected works by filling in a form that will be delivered together with a copy of each volume. The cards will be collected by the Secretariat of the prize and kept in a sealed envelope Jury meeting to be held in the month of September.
9. The jury, taking into account the information of readers will select the winner. The jury's decision is final.
10. The authors selected for the final phase will, on pain of exclusion from the prize, be available to attend the presentation of their work which will take place in the town of Zocca in July and August, date to be agreed by June 30. Failure to agree on a date will be set by the President of the Jury.
11. The prize for the winner is determined the extent of 3,000.00 euros (three thousand/00). The winner must be present in person alla cerimonia di premiazione. Non è ammessa l’assegnazione ex aequo del premio. In caso di mancato ritiro, il premio sarà devoluto in beneficenza.
12. Al premio principale di 3.000,00 Euro (tremila/00) si affianca il premio di 1.500,00 Euro (millecinquecento/00) “Zocca Giovani2 – I giovani votano i giovani”. Quest’ultimo è determinato dai lettori al di sotto dei 28 anni.
13. Agli altri finalisti sarà attribuito un gettone di 600,00 Euro (seicento/00), comprensivo del compenso e del rimborso delle spese di viaggio per la partecipazione alla presentazione dell’opera, come previsto al capoverso 10.
14. La premiazione avverrà nel corso di una public ceremony to be held in Zocca in the month of September and will see the participation of representatives of public bodies and private individuals who have contributed to the initiative. The date of the award will be immediately communicated to the winner, finalists and others interested in publishing and disseminated through the media. The authors will be guests of the organization for the day of the award.
15. The finalists will be announced to the media. The winning entry will bear the band bearing the words "Opera Prize winning fiction Zocca Youth 2011". Ties with specific words can be used the finalists.
16. Participation in the competition implies full and complete acceptance of these rules. Although not specifically provided herein, the deliberations of the jury.
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