Friday, January 28, 2011

Funny Wording 50 Invitations

Literary Prize" City of Viagrande "(Deadline 03/31/2011)

Premio Letterario Regionale ”Città di Viagrande”
Organizzato dall’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Viagrande
Premiazione 30 Luglio 2011

1. Il Premio si rivolge ad autori siciliani di opere di narrativa edite da marzo 2009 a marzo 2011.

2. The month and year of publication to refer to are those mentioned in print in the book. If the work was published under a pseudonym, you need a written statement containing the name and personal data of the author.

3. Participants must send, by March 31, 2011, the Secretariat of the Prize 5 (five) copies of the edited and complete the appropriate application form, which can be downloaded from the website The copies of the work must be sent free of charge and will not be returned. A copy of the work will be kept at the Biblioteca Comunale di Viagrande.

4. The works must be written in Italian and have an ISBN and must be submitted in paper format at the following address:
Literary Award Competition "City of Viagrande"
Viagrande Municipality - Socio-Cultural Area Services Via
Region No. 24-95029 Viagrande

5. Each author is responsible for the content of their works. Will not all those works that contain words and concepts vulgar, violent, racist and against any religion.

6. It postmark. Participation in the competition is free.

7. Works submitted for the Prize can participate by authors and publishers, not won other competitions until March 31, 2011. We will proceed to the revocation, if, after verification, these are already assigned one of other prizes.

8. Premiums are not admitted on an equal footing.

9. The prize includes a first, second and third prize. The jury reserves the right to report or refer to other significant works.
• First prize: € 1,200.00;
• Second prize: € 1,000.00;
• Third prize: € 800,00.

10. The jury, composed of the Mayor of Viagrande in as honorary chairman and five professionals from among writers, journalists and scholars, will make a pre-selection by identifying those among the works will be submitted to the Committee science and technology, consisting of three members, who will select the winners. The members of the jury and the Committee will be announced during the ceremony.

11. The work will be proclaimed first place winner of the "City of Viagrande Regional Literary Award and the related statement shall be included on a special tape to be prepared by the publisher.

12. The date and place of the ceremony will be announced to participants in the press and via the official website of the City of Viagrande For further information call the numbers 095/7901327 - fax 095/7901326 e-mail: @ servizi.sociali

13. Participation in the competition implies acceptance and respect of all information contained in this announcement and the Jury and of the Scientific and Technical Committee. In the event of circumstances not envisaged in this announcement is the jury may find the most appropriate solution.

14. According to Law 675/96 and addresses of participants will be used only for communications regarding the competition. Data Controller is the City of Viagrande. Writing to the data it may exercise its right under Article. 7 Legislative Decree 196/03 (updating, rectification, cancellation, opposition).

15. The awards will be collected in person. The withdrawal does not mean the loss of the premium the same.

the Literary Competition III REGIONAL
YEAR AWARD 2011 "City of Viagrande"

I, the undersigned .................... .................................................. ...................... Born
/ or .............................................. ... the ................................................. ................... Based in
............................................... ... Via ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Tel
............................................... .................................................. ............ ... .... Fax
:................................. E-mail: .............................................. ........................

ASKS to be admitted or III
Year 2011 Regional Literary Competition Prize "City of Viagrande"
Please send any communication to the following e-mail:

I, the undersigned declares to have vision of competition rules and accept all rules and regulation explicitly all the terms laid down in Articles. 13, 14 (privacy), 15.
finally approved, pursuant to Law 675/96, the use and processing of data in the manner and purpose referred to in art. 14 del regolamento del concorso.



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