Monday, January 24, 2011

Spectrobes Beyond The Portals Cheats Vilakroma

PRIZE (Deadline 03/20/2011) PRIZE FOR FICTION

The town of TORRICELLA PELIGNA, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God of my father '(VI edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of John Fante
John Fante The Prize is a contest that fits inside the Literary Festival' The God of my father 'with the intention to pay homage to the original Italian-American writer Torricella Peligna and contribute to the promotion of literary and artistic world.
Award John Fante's aim is cultural diversity in all its forms and support the work of Italian writers.
The contest annually. Its final phase will take place in Torricella Peligna during the sixth edition of the Literary Festival "The God of my father" (August 2011).


1 - The town of Torricella Peligna, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God my father '(sixth edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of the John Fante.

2 - will award the John Fante 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'a novel or a collection of short stories by writers from a very innovative style. The competitor must work first book written in Italian and published in Italy during the previous twelve months il bando.

Art. 3 - La Giuria tecnica provvederà a scegliere le tre opere finaliste della categoria ‘ARTURO BANDINI. OPERA PRIMA’ e li sottoporrà ad una Giuria popolare che ne decreterà il vincitore. L’autore dell’opera che avrà ottenuto il maggior numero di voti sarà il vincitore, il quale sarà eletto durante la VI edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’. Al vincitore andrà un premio in denaro, come anche agli altri due finalisti.

Art. 4 – La Giuria tecnica può segnalare opere non candidate direttamente dalle case editrici.

Art. 5 - Un Comitato di preselezione, presieduto dalla direzione del festival, sottoporrà al giudizio technical panel of seven works chosen from among the candidate directly from publishers.

6 - The technical panel, along with the steering committee of the festival, entitled to special awards, including the prize JOHN JACK 'THE MIXER GOLD'. The technical jury can reward a player in national or international art scene, a work (literary and otherwise) of particular significance, an author of importance attached to the figure of John Fante or the immigration issue and the encounter between different cultures.

7 - Part of the technical panel: Francesco Durante, Masolino Giulia D'Amico and Alberico.

8 - Competing works by category 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'must arrive in 9 items (books) to the following address: John Fante
Award / Literary Festival' The God of my father '
act. by Dr. Giovanna Di Lello
c / o City of Torricella Peligna
Avenue Raffaele Paolucci 3-66019 Torricella Peligna (CH)
the volumes must be accompanied by a card showing on the author, the title and the synopsis of ' work, the date of publication, data from the publishing house and the contact person for the award. The card must be signed. The material must be received no later than March 20, 2011.

9 - The award ceremony will be held during la VI Edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’ dedicato a John Fante (agosto 2011).

Art. 10 - Le copie delle opere concorrenti non saranno restituite ed entreranno a far parte della Mediateca John Fante di Torricella Peligna.

Art. 11 - I voti della Giuria popolare e i giudizi espressi dalla Giuria tecnica e dal Comitato di preselezione sono insindacabili.

Art. 12 – I premi dovranno essere ritirati personalmente dai vincitori durante la VI edizione del festival.

Art. 13 – I nomi dei vincitori e finalisti del Premio John Fante saranno resi noti sul sito web del festival al seguente indirizzo Solo i finalisti e i vincitori del Premio saranno contattati personalmente.

14 - According to the law 675/96 we inform you that all personal data such as John Fante Prize will possess will be used only with respect to the Award and the Literary Festival 'The God of my father' . The data collected will in no case disclosed to any third parties for purposes other than those of the competition.

15 - Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all provisions contained in this announcement.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Dr. Giovanna Di Lello, Literary Festival 'The God of my father' dedicated to John Fante, Torricella Peligna (CH), Tel: (+39) 3479235255,, www.johnfante . org


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