Saturday, January 1, 2011

Moms With Spread Legs

PRIZE JOSEPH PAPALEONI (Deadline 31/01/2011)


Judicaria Study Center and Public Library to announce within the territory of ancient Tione Judicaria the IX edition of the award named after the historian Joseph Giudicarie Papaleoni in order to stimulate and promote love, study and the promotion of local culture to promote awareness and dissemination.


The award is open - just judicariensi authors for the "narrative"
- the authors of the whole National "essays" and the "thesis"
- schools of all levels of the territory judicariense

1. Each participant may submit one or more works PRIZE.

2. The works, in three copies must be sent to the Research Center or the Public Library of Judicaria Tione by 18.00 hours on 31 January 2011.

3. The published works must be accompanied by the "placet" Editor's concerned.

4. The term "published" means works published after January 2008.

5. The works submitted for participation in the prize will not be returned.

6. The acceptance by participants of all standards established by this regulation is implied by the accession to the prize.

7. The members of the jury, only for all sections of the Award are selected from among the world of culture from the Organizing Committee, appointed by the two sponsoring bodies.
The jury may make use of experts appointed by the same organizing committee.

8. The announcement of the prize will be given during a ceremony to be held in August 2011 Daone.

A) NARRATIVE: You may participate only to authors judicariensi (Giudicarie, Alto Garda, Ledro, Valle dei Laghi, Valvestino Paganella Plateau, Andalo and Molveno) with new works on any subject.
B) Essays: You may participate in all the authors with unpublished or published essays on a subject of study and research scope of the ancient "Judicaria" (historical, geographical, ethnographic, socio-economic, artistic, scientific, environmental)
C ) THESIS: You may participate on issues and areas of interest "judicariense" to graduate from the academic year 2007/2008.
D) PRODUCTION EDUCATION: Stories, written or multimedia research topic of historical, geographical, ethnographic, socio-economic, artistic, scientific, environmental and scope of the ancient "Judicaria.

A) NARRATIVE: Award of 1.500,00 Euro
B) Non-Fiction: Prize of 1.500,00 Euro for the unpublished work - Prize of Euro 750.00 for the work edited
C) THESIS: 750.00 Euro Prix D
) PRODUCTION SCHOOL: Prize of Euro 500.00 for compulsory education, higher, vocational

PUBLISHING * The Organizing Committee reserves the right to first refusal regarding the possible publication by the publisher of a work Curcu & Genovese reported by the jury.
In case of publication, the author will conclude a publishing contract with publishing house Curcu & Genovese of Trento.

* Other prizes provided by public or private, will be awarded by the jury in the work considered worthy.

• Information Research Center
Viale Dante, 46 38079
Tione - TN
Tel & Fax 0465/322624 e-mail

Biblioteca Comunale Via Tione
D. Church, 1
Tione 38,079 - TN
tel. 0465/322018 Fax 0465/324088



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