Friday, January 28, 2011

Change Sony Tripod Head

National Competition for Poetry and Fiction" ITEMS 2011 "(Deadline 02/28/2011) John Fante

Il Circolo I.P.LA.C. (Insieme Per LA Cultura), gemellato con le Associazioni Culturali “PELASGO 968” di Grottammare (AP) e “PEGASUS” Cattolica (RN) Under the patronage of the Province of Venice, and the municipalities
Bellante (TE), Castelvenere (BN), Marino (RM), Montignoso (MS), Venice, in collaboration with the City of Mestre Carpenedo-organizes the 6th edition of the National Competition for Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011".

This Regulation: Participation in the competition
"VOICES 2011" is open to all Italian and foreign poets, provided with the Italian text.
The competition is divided as follows: SECTION
"A": Poetry on any subject in a single language.
SECTION "B": Single poetry on any subject in the vernacular.
SECTION "C": Published book of poetry.
SECTION D: unpublished short stories on any subject.
Sections "A" and "B": You participate with a lyrical theme, and not more than 35 typewritten lines, will be excluded from the competition (for the section to add the vernacular translation in Italian). The lyric should be in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
Section "C": send 5 copies of a book of poetry published (a copy must contain a sheet indicated by the data, address, phone number, e-mail and any author's signature).
Section "D": You participate with a story on any subject, typed and no more than 4 folders 30 lines per sheet (Arial or Times New Roman and body 14), under penalty of disqualification. The story must be written in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
fee for Section: 15.00 Euro.
Inside the envelope containing the elaborati dovranno essere inserite:
a)- una busta vuota preaffrancata e preindirizzata, (sarà utilizzata per l’invio dell’esito del concorso);
b)- la/le quota/e di partecipazione, o copia ricevuta avvenuto versamento;
c)- dichiarazione firmata, per le Sezioni “A”, “B” e “D”, che i testi sono di propria e personale produzione e che non risultano classificati ai primi tre posti di altro concorso. Si declina ogni responsabilità in caso di plagio o falso da parte dei partecipanti.
La/le quota/e di partecipazione può/possono essere inviata/e tramite contante, assegno circolare, Vaglia Postale o con versamento tramite Postepay (carta n° 4023600591513256) payable to: Maurizio Meggiorini - Via Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE). {It is recommended the inclusion of the receipt or payment of the certificate or its copy}.
The deadline for submission of entries is set for 28/02/2011
We assume henceforth responsible for any postal service.
The works will not be returned: the published books will be donated to libraries of sponsoring municipalities.
The envelope containing the provisions of paragraphs a), b), c) of this notice should be sent to: Secretary
6 th of Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011" - c / o Maurizio Meggiorini Way Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE)
is planned that the works submitted for Sections "A", "B" and "D" are collected in an anthology to be presented on the day of the ceremony, according to its anthology will be attached a greeting card to send with up to three preferences (working title with no page) useful to the allocation of the prize "gift of the reader" by the end of next announcement (7th Ed.).
The competition counts as tacit permission to publish the judging.
prizes: the top three winners in each section will be awarded Trophy (artwork made of Murano glass in a case) and a diploma, in addition to the top three of sect. "A" and "B" will be offered to publish an anthology in 15x20 format, 80 pages maximum, respectively in 30, 20 and 10 copies printed by the Circle IPLA.C..
Honorable Mentions will also be provided (brass plaques), Report of Merit (Oselle Reproduction of gold) and Recommendations (Oselle reproductions of silver). At the discretion of the jury will be awarded special prizes (among them is expected, as in previous years, the allocation of the Special Prize "Nicola Rizzo", dedicated to the sonnet more technically sound and better looking).
The award ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 28, 2011 with the assignment Award "Tribute of the reader 2010" (to be confirmed when the official announcement of winners).
All competitors will be notified promptly on the final outcome of the contest and the date, time and place of the award. The jury, whose decision is final, will be announced at the awards ceremony.
is recommended, as of now, the presence of the winners, it is still possible the withdrawal of what is due from another person with the delegation.
Given the delicacy and preciousness of the objects set, the top three prizes and special awards can not be shipped.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. We guarantee that the names will be used solely for the purposes of competition law 675 of 31/12/96 and Decree 196/03.
Additional information may be requested by telephone, and in the evening, the following numbers: 335/6104214, 06/7221150 or by mail to
maurizio.meggiorini @ @ or maria.rizzi and the club website: .


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