Literary Prize" City of Viagrande "(Deadline 03/31/2011)
Premio Letterario Regionale ”Città di Viagrande”
Organizzato dall’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Viagrande
Premiazione 30 Luglio 2011
1. Il Premio si rivolge ad autori siciliani di opere di narrativa edite da marzo 2009 a marzo 2011.
2. The month and year of publication to refer to are those mentioned in print in the book. If the work was published under a pseudonym, you need a written statement containing the name and personal data of the author.
3. Participants must send, by March 31, 2011, the Secretariat of the Prize 5 (five) copies of the edited and complete the appropriate application form, which can be downloaded from the website The copies of the work must be sent free of charge and will not be returned. A copy of the work will be kept at the Biblioteca Comunale di Viagrande.
4. The works must be written in Italian and have an ISBN and must be submitted in paper format at the following address:
Literary Award Competition "City of Viagrande"
Viagrande Municipality - Socio-Cultural Area Services Via
Region No. 24-95029 Viagrande
5. Each author is responsible for the content of their works. Will not all those works that contain words and concepts vulgar, violent, racist and against any religion.
6. It postmark. Participation in the competition is free.
7. Works submitted for the Prize can participate by authors and publishers, not won other competitions until March 31, 2011. We will proceed to the revocation, if, after verification, these are already assigned one of other prizes.
8. Premiums are not admitted on an equal footing.
9. The prize includes a first, second and third prize. The jury reserves the right to report or refer to other significant works.
• First prize: € 1,200.00;
• Second prize: € 1,000.00;
• Third prize: € 800,00.
10. The jury, composed of the Mayor of Viagrande in as honorary chairman and five professionals from among writers, journalists and scholars, will make a pre-selection by identifying those among the works will be submitted to the Committee science and technology, consisting of three members, who will select the winners. The members of the jury and the Committee will be announced during the ceremony.
11. The work will be proclaimed first place winner of the "City of Viagrande Regional Literary Award and the related statement shall be included on a special tape to be prepared by the publisher.
12. The date and place of the ceremony will be announced to participants in the press and via the official website of the City of Viagrande For further information call the numbers 095/7901327 - fax 095/7901326 e-mail: @ servizi.sociali
13. Participation in the competition implies acceptance and respect of all information contained in this announcement and the Jury and of the Scientific and Technical Committee. In the event of circumstances not envisaged in this announcement is the jury may find the most appropriate solution.
14. According to Law 675/96 and addresses of participants will be used only for communications regarding the competition. Data Controller is the City of Viagrande. Writing to the data it may exercise its right under Article. 7 Legislative Decree 196/03 (updating, rectification, cancellation, opposition).
15. The awards will be collected in person. The withdrawal does not mean the loss of the premium the same.
the Literary Competition III REGIONAL
YEAR AWARD 2011 "City of Viagrande"
I, the undersigned .................... .................................................. ...................... Born
/ or .............................................. ... the ................................................. ................... Based in
............................................... ... Via ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Tel
............................................... .................................................. ............ ... .... Fax
:................................. E-mail: .............................................. ........................
ASKS to be admitted or III
Year 2011 Regional Literary Competition Prize "City of Viagrande"
Please send any communication to the following e-mail:
I, the undersigned declares to have vision of competition rules and accept all rules and regulation explicitly all the terms laid down in Articles. 13, 14 (privacy), 15.
finally approved, pursuant to Law 675/96, the use and processing of data in the manner and purpose referred to in art. 14 del regolamento del concorso.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Change Sony Tripod Head
National Competition for Poetry and Fiction" ITEMS 2011 "(Deadline 02/28/2011) John Fante
Il Circolo I.P.LA.C. (Insieme Per LA Cultura), gemellato con le Associazioni Culturali “PELASGO 968” di Grottammare (AP) e “PEGASUS” Cattolica (RN) Under the patronage of the Province of Venice, and the municipalities
Bellante (TE), Castelvenere (BN), Marino (RM), Montignoso (MS), Venice, in collaboration with the City of Mestre Carpenedo-organizes the 6th edition of the National Competition for Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011".
This Regulation: Participation in the competition
"VOICES 2011" is open to all Italian and foreign poets, provided with the Italian text.
The competition is divided as follows: SECTION
"A": Poetry on any subject in a single language.
SECTION "B": Single poetry on any subject in the vernacular.
SECTION "C": Published book of poetry.
SECTION D: unpublished short stories on any subject.
Sections "A" and "B": You participate with a lyrical theme, and not more than 35 typewritten lines, will be excluded from the competition (for the section to add the vernacular translation in Italian). The lyric should be in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
Section "C": send 5 copies of a book of poetry published (a copy must contain a sheet indicated by the data, address, phone number, e-mail and any author's signature).
Section "D": You participate with a story on any subject, typed and no more than 4 folders 30 lines per sheet (Arial or Times New Roman and body 14), under penalty of disqualification. The story must be written in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
fee for Section: 15.00 Euro.
Inside the envelope containing the elaborati dovranno essere inserite:
a)- una busta vuota preaffrancata e preindirizzata, (sarà utilizzata per l’invio dell’esito del concorso);
b)- la/le quota/e di partecipazione, o copia ricevuta avvenuto versamento;
c)- dichiarazione firmata, per le Sezioni “A”, “B” e “D”, che i testi sono di propria e personale produzione e che non risultano classificati ai primi tre posti di altro concorso. Si declina ogni responsabilità in caso di plagio o falso da parte dei partecipanti.
La/le quota/e di partecipazione può/possono essere inviata/e tramite contante, assegno circolare, Vaglia Postale o con versamento tramite Postepay (carta n° 4023600591513256) payable to: Maurizio Meggiorini - Via Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE). {It is recommended the inclusion of the receipt or payment of the certificate or its copy}.
The deadline for submission of entries is set for 28/02/2011
We assume henceforth responsible for any postal service.
The works will not be returned: the published books will be donated to libraries of sponsoring municipalities.
The envelope containing the provisions of paragraphs a), b), c) of this notice should be sent to: Secretary
6 th of Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011" - c / o Maurizio Meggiorini Way Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE)
is planned that the works submitted for Sections "A", "B" and "D" are collected in an anthology to be presented on the day of the ceremony, according to its anthology will be attached a greeting card to send with up to three preferences (working title with no page) useful to the allocation of the prize "gift of the reader" by the end of next announcement (7th Ed.).
The competition counts as tacit permission to publish the judging.
prizes: the top three winners in each section will be awarded Trophy (artwork made of Murano glass in a case) and a diploma, in addition to the top three of sect. "A" and "B" will be offered to publish an anthology in 15x20 format, 80 pages maximum, respectively in 30, 20 and 10 copies printed by the Circle IPLA.C..
Honorable Mentions will also be provided (brass plaques), Report of Merit (Oselle Reproduction of gold) and Recommendations (Oselle reproductions of silver). At the discretion of the jury will be awarded special prizes (among them is expected, as in previous years, the allocation of the Special Prize "Nicola Rizzo", dedicated to the sonnet more technically sound and better looking).
The award ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 28, 2011 with the assignment Award "Tribute of the reader 2010" (to be confirmed when the official announcement of winners).
All competitors will be notified promptly on the final outcome of the contest and the date, time and place of the award. The jury, whose decision is final, will be announced at the awards ceremony.
is recommended, as of now, the presence of the winners, it is still possible the withdrawal of what is due from another person with the delegation.
Given the delicacy and preciousness of the objects set, the top three prizes and special awards can not be shipped.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. We guarantee that the names will be used solely for the purposes of competition law 675 of 31/12/96 and Decree 196/03.
Additional information may be requested by telephone, and in the evening, the following numbers: 335/6104214, 06/7221150 or by mail to
maurizio.meggiorini @ @ or maria.rizzi and the club website: .
Il Circolo I.P.LA.C. (Insieme Per LA Cultura), gemellato con le Associazioni Culturali “PELASGO 968” di Grottammare (AP) e “PEGASUS” Cattolica (RN) Under the patronage of the Province of Venice, and the municipalities
Bellante (TE), Castelvenere (BN), Marino (RM), Montignoso (MS), Venice, in collaboration with the City of Mestre Carpenedo-organizes the 6th edition of the National Competition for Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011".
This Regulation: Participation in the competition
"VOICES 2011" is open to all Italian and foreign poets, provided with the Italian text.
The competition is divided as follows: SECTION
"A": Poetry on any subject in a single language.
SECTION "B": Single poetry on any subject in the vernacular.
SECTION "C": Published book of poetry.
SECTION D: unpublished short stories on any subject.
Sections "A" and "B": You participate with a lyrical theme, and not more than 35 typewritten lines, will be excluded from the competition (for the section to add the vernacular translation in Italian). The lyric should be in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
Section "C": send 5 copies of a book of poetry published (a copy must contain a sheet indicated by the data, address, phone number, e-mail and any author's signature).
Section "D": You participate with a story on any subject, typed and no more than 4 folders 30 lines per sheet (Arial or Times New Roman and body 14), under penalty of disqualification. The story must be written in 6 copies, one containing the personal data, address, phone number, any e-mail and a signed declaration that "the work submitted is their own staff and production and is not classified to the first three places another competition. "
fee for Section: 15.00 Euro.
Inside the envelope containing the elaborati dovranno essere inserite:
a)- una busta vuota preaffrancata e preindirizzata, (sarà utilizzata per l’invio dell’esito del concorso);
b)- la/le quota/e di partecipazione, o copia ricevuta avvenuto versamento;
c)- dichiarazione firmata, per le Sezioni “A”, “B” e “D”, che i testi sono di propria e personale produzione e che non risultano classificati ai primi tre posti di altro concorso. Si declina ogni responsabilità in caso di plagio o falso da parte dei partecipanti.
La/le quota/e di partecipazione può/possono essere inviata/e tramite contante, assegno circolare, Vaglia Postale o con versamento tramite Postepay (carta n° 4023600591513256) payable to: Maurizio Meggiorini - Via Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE). {It is recommended the inclusion of the receipt or payment of the certificate or its copy}.
The deadline for submission of entries is set for 28/02/2011
We assume henceforth responsible for any postal service.
The works will not be returned: the published books will be donated to libraries of sponsoring municipalities.
The envelope containing the provisions of paragraphs a), b), c) of this notice should be sent to: Secretary
6 th of Poetry and Fiction "VOICES 2011" - c / o Maurizio Meggiorini Way Split, 3 / A - 30174 Mestre (VE)
is planned that the works submitted for Sections "A", "B" and "D" are collected in an anthology to be presented on the day of the ceremony, according to its anthology will be attached a greeting card to send with up to three preferences (working title with no page) useful to the allocation of the prize "gift of the reader" by the end of next announcement (7th Ed.).
The competition counts as tacit permission to publish the judging.
prizes: the top three winners in each section will be awarded Trophy (artwork made of Murano glass in a case) and a diploma, in addition to the top three of sect. "A" and "B" will be offered to publish an anthology in 15x20 format, 80 pages maximum, respectively in 30, 20 and 10 copies printed by the Circle IPLA.C..
Honorable Mentions will also be provided (brass plaques), Report of Merit (Oselle Reproduction of gold) and Recommendations (Oselle reproductions of silver). At the discretion of the jury will be awarded special prizes (among them is expected, as in previous years, the allocation of the Special Prize "Nicola Rizzo", dedicated to the sonnet more technically sound and better looking).
The award ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May 28, 2011 with the assignment Award "Tribute of the reader 2010" (to be confirmed when the official announcement of winners).
All competitors will be notified promptly on the final outcome of the contest and the date, time and place of the award. The jury, whose decision is final, will be announced at the awards ceremony.
is recommended, as of now, the presence of the winners, it is still possible the withdrawal of what is due from another person with the delegation.
Given the delicacy and preciousness of the objects set, the top three prizes and special awards can not be shipped.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this Regulation. We guarantee that the names will be used solely for the purposes of competition law 675 of 31/12/96 and Decree 196/03.
Additional information may be requested by telephone, and in the evening, the following numbers: 335/6104214, 06/7221150 or by mail to
maurizio.meggiorini @ @ or maria.rizzi and the club website: .
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Manual For Creative Sb0480
Sunday, February 6, 2011, 11:30 am, Piazzale Lido, Terracina - RIDING THE CITY
NOTE: After
you connect to Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle on Facebook.
The CITY RIDING will always in the spirit of "CRITICAL MASS" , "We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the critical mass), it is a " organized coincidence ", everyone participates with OWN PERSONAL REASONS , etc.etc.
What is Critical Mass?
... Given the lack of organization, recognized leaders, the default paths, the "CRITICAL MASS" can not be treated as a demonstration and it is usual to have cognitive difficulties that the authorities do not have a referent specific place to go ... Each participant is responsible
... a titolo personale dei propri atti, e quindi decide autonomamente se e quali norme violare...
....di chi partecipa alla Critical, i quali ritengono che la mobilità nelle città possa essere migliorata grazie alle biciclette e ad altri mezzi di trasporto alternativi rispetto al trasporto privato delle automobili....
La Critical Mass è spesso definita una "coincidenza organizzata" , senza leader, organizzatori, o membri individuati da qualcosa che non sia la loro partecipazione all'evento...
...Proprio in conseguenza di questa mancanza di gerarchia, è richiesto che i cicloattivisti prendano responsabilità dell'evento, ciascuno individualmente.....
For more information click on the following link: (event)
That said, however, as a promoter COMMITTEE CYCLE TERRACINA me "runs the 'obligation' to invite all friends of the CTC, that share its goals, asking to participate in the implementation of
cycle lanes for MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
try to raise awareness and involve the public and consequently the current MUNICIPALITY (and future) on this issue, then, SIGNS like the photo on the sidelines, or anything else your imagination said, as long as it calls attention to what predicted.
Thanks for bed and .... on Sunday, February 6 ... MANY, MANY ... AND THE through word of mouth, try to make Terracina more "liveable"! ! The Organizing Committee
Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
NOTE: After
you connect to Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle on Facebook.


The CITY RIDING will always in the spirit of "CRITICAL MASS" , "We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the critical mass), it is a " organized coincidence ", everyone participates with OWN PERSONAL REASONS , etc.etc.
What is Critical Mass?
... Given the lack of organization, recognized leaders, the default paths, the "CRITICAL MASS" can not be treated as a demonstration and it is usual to have cognitive difficulties that the authorities do not have a referent specific place to go ... Each participant is responsible
... a titolo personale dei propri atti, e quindi decide autonomamente se e quali norme violare...
....di chi partecipa alla Critical, i quali ritengono che la mobilità nelle città possa essere migliorata grazie alle biciclette e ad altri mezzi di trasporto alternativi rispetto al trasporto privato delle automobili....
La Critical Mass è spesso definita una "coincidenza organizzata" , senza leader, organizzatori, o membri individuati da qualcosa che non sia la loro partecipazione all'evento...
...Proprio in conseguenza di questa mancanza di gerarchia, è richiesto che i cicloattivisti prendano responsabilità dell'evento, ciascuno individualmente.....
For more information click on the following link: (event)
That said, however, as a promoter COMMITTEE CYCLE TERRACINA me "runs the 'obligation' to invite all friends of the CTC, that share its goals, asking to participate in the implementation of
cycle lanes for MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
try to raise awareness and involve the public and consequently the current MUNICIPALITY (and future) on this issue, then, SIGNS like the photo on the sidelines, or anything else your imagination said, as long as it calls attention to what predicted.
Thanks for bed and .... on Sunday, February 6 ... MANY, MANY ... AND THE through word of mouth, try to make Terracina more "liveable"! ! The Organizing Committee
Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Spectrobes Beyond The Portals Cheats Vilakroma
PRIZE (Deadline 03/20/2011) PRIZE FOR FICTION
The town of TORRICELLA PELIGNA, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God of my father '(VI edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of John Fante
John Fante The Prize is a contest that fits inside the Literary Festival' The God of my father 'with the intention to pay homage to the original Italian-American writer Torricella Peligna and contribute to the promotion of literary and artistic world.
Award John Fante's aim is cultural diversity in all its forms and support the work of Italian writers.
The contest annually. Its final phase will take place in Torricella Peligna during the sixth edition of the Literary Festival "The God of my father" (August 2011).
1 - The town of Torricella Peligna, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God my father '(sixth edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of the John Fante.
2 - will award the John Fante 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'a novel or a collection of short stories by writers from a very innovative style. The competitor must work first book written in Italian and published in Italy during the previous twelve months il bando.
Art. 3 - La Giuria tecnica provvederà a scegliere le tre opere finaliste della categoria ‘ARTURO BANDINI. OPERA PRIMA’ e li sottoporrà ad una Giuria popolare che ne decreterà il vincitore. L’autore dell’opera che avrà ottenuto il maggior numero di voti sarà il vincitore, il quale sarà eletto durante la VI edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’. Al vincitore andrà un premio in denaro, come anche agli altri due finalisti.
Art. 4 – La Giuria tecnica può segnalare opere non candidate direttamente dalle case editrici.
Art. 5 - Un Comitato di preselezione, presieduto dalla direzione del festival, sottoporrà al giudizio technical panel of seven works chosen from among the candidate directly from publishers.
6 - The technical panel, along with the steering committee of the festival, entitled to special awards, including the prize JOHN JACK 'THE MIXER GOLD'. The technical jury can reward a player in national or international art scene, a work (literary and otherwise) of particular significance, an author of importance attached to the figure of John Fante or the immigration issue and the encounter between different cultures.
7 - Part of the technical panel: Francesco Durante, Masolino Giulia D'Amico and Alberico.
8 - Competing works by category 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'must arrive in 9 items (books) to the following address: John Fante
Award / Literary Festival' The God of my father '
act. by Dr. Giovanna Di Lello
c / o City of Torricella Peligna
Avenue Raffaele Paolucci 3-66019 Torricella Peligna (CH)
the volumes must be accompanied by a card showing on the author, the title and the synopsis of ' work, the date of publication, data from the publishing house and the contact person for the award. The card must be signed. The material must be received no later than March 20, 2011.
9 - The award ceremony will be held during la VI Edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’ dedicato a John Fante (agosto 2011).
Art. 10 - Le copie delle opere concorrenti non saranno restituite ed entreranno a far parte della Mediateca John Fante di Torricella Peligna.
Art. 11 - I voti della Giuria popolare e i giudizi espressi dalla Giuria tecnica e dal Comitato di preselezione sono insindacabili.
Art. 12 – I premi dovranno essere ritirati personalmente dai vincitori durante la VI edizione del festival.
Art. 13 – I nomi dei vincitori e finalisti del Premio John Fante saranno resi noti sul sito web del festival al seguente indirizzo Solo i finalisti e i vincitori del Premio saranno contattati personalmente.
14 - According to the law 675/96 we inform you that all personal data such as John Fante Prize will possess will be used only with respect to the Award and the Literary Festival 'The God of my father' . The data collected will in no case disclosed to any third parties for purposes other than those of the competition.
15 - Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all provisions contained in this announcement.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Dr. Giovanna Di Lello, Literary Festival 'The God of my father' dedicated to John Fante, Torricella Peligna (CH), Tel: (+39) 3479235255,, www.johnfante . org
The town of TORRICELLA PELIGNA, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God of my father '(VI edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of John Fante
John Fante The Prize is a contest that fits inside the Literary Festival' The God of my father 'with the intention to pay homage to the original Italian-American writer Torricella Peligna and contribute to the promotion of literary and artistic world.
Award John Fante's aim is cultural diversity in all its forms and support the work of Italian writers.
The contest annually. Its final phase will take place in Torricella Peligna during the sixth edition of the Literary Festival "The God of my father" (August 2011).
1 - The town of Torricella Peligna, under the patronage of the Abruzzo Region, the Province of Chieti and the Mountain Community Middle Sangro and Aventino with the Foundation's contribution CariChieti as part of the Literary Festival 'The God my father '(sixth edition), 2011, the index for the fourth edition of the John Fante.
2 - will award the John Fante 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'a novel or a collection of short stories by writers from a very innovative style. The competitor must work first book written in Italian and published in Italy during the previous twelve months il bando.
Art. 3 - La Giuria tecnica provvederà a scegliere le tre opere finaliste della categoria ‘ARTURO BANDINI. OPERA PRIMA’ e li sottoporrà ad una Giuria popolare che ne decreterà il vincitore. L’autore dell’opera che avrà ottenuto il maggior numero di voti sarà il vincitore, il quale sarà eletto durante la VI edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’. Al vincitore andrà un premio in denaro, come anche agli altri due finalisti.
Art. 4 – La Giuria tecnica può segnalare opere non candidate direttamente dalle case editrici.
Art. 5 - Un Comitato di preselezione, presieduto dalla direzione del festival, sottoporrà al giudizio technical panel of seven works chosen from among the candidate directly from publishers.
6 - The technical panel, along with the steering committee of the festival, entitled to special awards, including the prize JOHN JACK 'THE MIXER GOLD'. The technical jury can reward a player in national or international art scene, a work (literary and otherwise) of particular significance, an author of importance attached to the figure of John Fante or the immigration issue and the encounter between different cultures.
7 - Part of the technical panel: Francesco Durante, Masolino Giulia D'Amico and Alberico.
8 - Competing works by category 'Arturo Bandini. DEBUT 'must arrive in 9 items (books) to the following address: John Fante
Award / Literary Festival' The God of my father '
act. by Dr. Giovanna Di Lello
c / o City of Torricella Peligna
Avenue Raffaele Paolucci 3-66019 Torricella Peligna (CH)
the volumes must be accompanied by a card showing on the author, the title and the synopsis of ' work, the date of publication, data from the publishing house and the contact person for the award. The card must be signed. The material must be received no later than March 20, 2011.
9 - The award ceremony will be held during la VI Edizione del Festival letterario ‘Il Dio di mio padre’ dedicato a John Fante (agosto 2011).
Art. 10 - Le copie delle opere concorrenti non saranno restituite ed entreranno a far parte della Mediateca John Fante di Torricella Peligna.
Art. 11 - I voti della Giuria popolare e i giudizi espressi dalla Giuria tecnica e dal Comitato di preselezione sono insindacabili.
Art. 12 – I premi dovranno essere ritirati personalmente dai vincitori durante la VI edizione del festival.
Art. 13 – I nomi dei vincitori e finalisti del Premio John Fante saranno resi noti sul sito web del festival al seguente indirizzo Solo i finalisti e i vincitori del Premio saranno contattati personalmente.
14 - According to the law 675/96 we inform you that all personal data such as John Fante Prize will possess will be used only with respect to the Award and the Literary Festival 'The God of my father' . The data collected will in no case disclosed to any third parties for purposes other than those of the competition.
15 - Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all provisions contained in this announcement.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Dr. Giovanna Di Lello, Literary Festival 'The God of my father' dedicated to John Fante, Torricella Peligna (CH), Tel: (+39) 3479235255,, www.johnfante . org
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Yamaha Blaster Toomey Exhaust
".....'.... THE WINNING BROCCOLI rubbish ..... I .... .... PLASTIC "
NOTE: After you connect to
Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle on Facebook.
The photos here are not made shots in a charming Swiss town, or "corners" of Montecarlo, let alone "views" of Singapore, who are known to only some of the countries where order, cleanliness and DECORATION City, are held in high regard.
No, Sir! The following steps refer to SERMONETA Pontina medieval town located just 44 km from Terracina.
ineffable Our First Citizen and his junta, maybe they should rethink their argument for the CITY rubbish, and maybe go RECOVERY by the Municipality of Sermoneta, as concerning the above order, cleanliness and DECORATION Citizen.
also a more careful reflection, perhaps, should also do the citizens who have placed their trust in this Municipality, because "To err humanum est" with regard to the first "electoral mandate", and are 5 years old, but "Enduring autem Diabolicum!" with another term of five years, and are 10 years of dissenneta city government that speaks for itself.
Here are some photos of the Sermoneta and related comments:
A homemade bin, provided to a resident of Sermoneta, provided, presumably, from the 'AMA', for recycling. In other cities the "garbage" is different ... differs.
Garden prohibited to dogs. A Terracina dogs everywhere and their excrements .
statement, many have raised our local police against the "owners" of dogs that do not collect the droppings of their dogs?
Cargo regulated in precise days and times. A Terracina anarchy reigns, how and when you want.
litter box having on both sides of the container for cigarette butts.
Note the care, cleaning el 'order by which this park is required. A Terracina, paper, plastic bottles, etc. ...
Look at these traffic signals, the structures are all galvanized to
a better integration with the medieval old town.
vases of flowers everywhere, and spotlights on the ground to illuminate them at night.
I do not think there's much to add, the photos speak for themselves, show a clean, tidy and well kept. When will we see on the streets of Terracina DIRT as those without photos?
Related Links:
E. Cigarette butts EVERYWHERE ... dog faeces
Cigarette butts ANYWHERE .... dog faeces (Part II) - THE COVENANT: THE LEGALITY 'primacy of politics "- (Villa Tomassini) . html
NARDI DIFFERENTIAL: (click on the link below to watch the video)
The Promoter of the Committee Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
NOTE: After you connect to
Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle on Facebook.

The photos here are not made shots in a charming Swiss town, or "corners" of Montecarlo, let alone "views" of Singapore, who are known to only some of the countries where order, cleanliness and DECORATION City, are held in high regard.
No, Sir! The following steps refer to SERMONETA Pontina medieval town located just 44 km from Terracina.
ineffable Our First Citizen and his junta, maybe they should rethink their argument for the CITY rubbish, and maybe go RECOVERY by the Municipality of Sermoneta, as concerning the above order, cleanliness and DECORATION Citizen.
also a more careful reflection, perhaps, should also do the citizens who have placed their trust in this Municipality, because "To err humanum est" with regard to the first "electoral mandate", and are 5 years old, but "Enduring autem Diabolicum!" with another term of five years, and are 10 years of dissenneta city government that speaks for itself.
Here are some photos of the Sermoneta and related comments:

A homemade bin, provided to a resident of Sermoneta, provided, presumably, from the 'AMA', for recycling. In other cities the "garbage" is different ... differs.

Garden prohibited to dogs. A Terracina dogs everywhere and their excrements .
statement, many have raised our local police against the "owners" of dogs that do not collect the droppings of their dogs?


Cargo regulated in precise days and times. A Terracina anarchy reigns, how and when you want.


litter box having on both sides of the container for cigarette butts.



Note the care, cleaning el 'order by which this park is required. A Terracina, paper, plastic bottles, etc. ...



Look at these traffic signals, the structures are all galvanized to
a better integration with the medieval old town.



vases of flowers everywhere, and spotlights on the ground to illuminate them at night.




I do not think there's much to add, the photos speak for themselves, show a clean, tidy and well kept. When will we see on the streets of Terracina DIRT as those without photos?
Related Links:
E. Cigarette butts EVERYWHERE ... dog faeces
Cigarette butts ANYWHERE .... dog faeces (Part II) - THE COVENANT: THE LEGALITY 'primacy of politics "- (Villa Tomassini) . html
NARDI DIFFERENTIAL: (click on the link below to watch the video)
The Promoter of the Committee Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
Monday, January 10, 2011
Desmume Soul Silver Rom
" ZOCCA YOUNG (expires 10/02/2011)
YEAR 2011 1. The City of Zocca, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Regione Emilia Romagna and the Province of Modena has called the "Prize for fiction Zocca Youth" to be awarded annually to the published works of Italian fiction whose authors are not older than 35 years of age at the date of publication of the work.
2. May contribute to the prize works of fiction published between March 1, 2010 and January 30, 2011, in regular trading, which the authors respond to the requirement to master one point.
3. The City of Zocca appointment a judging panel of persons who have distinguished themselves in the literary, journalistic, artistic, theatrical and entertainment, choosing from among its members the President. For the year 2011, the jury is as follows: • Mauro Castelli
• Apple • Nana Cecchi Cecchi
• Alberto Melloni
• Licia Miani Begg - Secretary of the Jury
• Gianni Angelo Righetti
• • •
Vasco Rossi Marco Santagata - President
4. The works entered will be sent free of charge by the authors or publishers, the secretary of the prize:
- City of Zocca - Market Street, 104-41059 Zocca in the number of 10 copies.
- On the envelope should be marked "Prize for fiction Zocca Young."
- The shipment must be made before February 10, 2011, will be the date of shipping postmark.
- The organization of the premium due is not responsible for any postal delay.
- is not required fee.
- The shipment must be accompanied by application to the prize giving: name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address if available.
- The volumes will not be returned.
5. Each author will participate with one work. Works that are eligible or have been engaged in other competitions.
6. The jury, by the end of March, will select the five finalists.
7. The finalists will be submitted to the consideration of a readership made up of residents and vacationers in Zocca. For this the publishers or authors of the five selected films will, upon request of the Secretariat of the competition, send an additional 20 free copies.
8. Each player will give its opinion on all the selected works by filling in a form that will be delivered together with a copy of each volume. The cards will be collected by the Secretariat of the prize and kept in a sealed envelope Jury meeting to be held in the month of September.
9. The jury, taking into account the information of readers will select the winner. The jury's decision is final.
10. The authors selected for the final phase will, on pain of exclusion from the prize, be available to attend the presentation of their work which will take place in the town of Zocca in July and August, date to be agreed by June 30. Failure to agree on a date will be set by the President of the Jury.
11. The prize for the winner is determined the extent of 3,000.00 euros (three thousand/00). The winner must be present in person alla cerimonia di premiazione. Non è ammessa l’assegnazione ex aequo del premio. In caso di mancato ritiro, il premio sarà devoluto in beneficenza.
12. Al premio principale di 3.000,00 Euro (tremila/00) si affianca il premio di 1.500,00 Euro (millecinquecento/00) “Zocca Giovani2 – I giovani votano i giovani”. Quest’ultimo è determinato dai lettori al di sotto dei 28 anni.
13. Agli altri finalisti sarà attribuito un gettone di 600,00 Euro (seicento/00), comprensivo del compenso e del rimborso delle spese di viaggio per la partecipazione alla presentazione dell’opera, come previsto al capoverso 10.
14. La premiazione avverrà nel corso di una public ceremony to be held in Zocca in the month of September and will see the participation of representatives of public bodies and private individuals who have contributed to the initiative. The date of the award will be immediately communicated to the winner, finalists and others interested in publishing and disseminated through the media. The authors will be guests of the organization for the day of the award.
15. The finalists will be announced to the media. The winning entry will bear the band bearing the words "Opera Prize winning fiction Zocca Youth 2011". Ties with specific words can be used the finalists.
16. Participation in the competition implies full and complete acceptance of these rules. Although not specifically provided herein, the deliberations of the jury.
YEAR 2011 1. The City of Zocca, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Regione Emilia Romagna and the Province of Modena has called the "Prize for fiction Zocca Youth" to be awarded annually to the published works of Italian fiction whose authors are not older than 35 years of age at the date of publication of the work.
2. May contribute to the prize works of fiction published between March 1, 2010 and January 30, 2011, in regular trading, which the authors respond to the requirement to master one point.
3. The City of Zocca appointment a judging panel of persons who have distinguished themselves in the literary, journalistic, artistic, theatrical and entertainment, choosing from among its members the President. For the year 2011, the jury is as follows: • Mauro Castelli
• Apple • Nana Cecchi Cecchi
• Alberto Melloni
• Licia Miani Begg - Secretary of the Jury
• Gianni Angelo Righetti
• • •
Vasco Rossi Marco Santagata - President
4. The works entered will be sent free of charge by the authors or publishers, the secretary of the prize:
- City of Zocca - Market Street, 104-41059 Zocca in the number of 10 copies.
- On the envelope should be marked "Prize for fiction Zocca Young."
- The shipment must be made before February 10, 2011, will be the date of shipping postmark.
- The organization of the premium due is not responsible for any postal delay.
- is not required fee.
- The shipment must be accompanied by application to the prize giving: name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address if available.
- The volumes will not be returned.
5. Each author will participate with one work. Works that are eligible or have been engaged in other competitions.
6. The jury, by the end of March, will select the five finalists.
7. The finalists will be submitted to the consideration of a readership made up of residents and vacationers in Zocca. For this the publishers or authors of the five selected films will, upon request of the Secretariat of the competition, send an additional 20 free copies.
8. Each player will give its opinion on all the selected works by filling in a form that will be delivered together with a copy of each volume. The cards will be collected by the Secretariat of the prize and kept in a sealed envelope Jury meeting to be held in the month of September.
9. The jury, taking into account the information of readers will select the winner. The jury's decision is final.
10. The authors selected for the final phase will, on pain of exclusion from the prize, be available to attend the presentation of their work which will take place in the town of Zocca in July and August, date to be agreed by June 30. Failure to agree on a date will be set by the President of the Jury.
11. The prize for the winner is determined the extent of 3,000.00 euros (three thousand/00). The winner must be present in person alla cerimonia di premiazione. Non è ammessa l’assegnazione ex aequo del premio. In caso di mancato ritiro, il premio sarà devoluto in beneficenza.
12. Al premio principale di 3.000,00 Euro (tremila/00) si affianca il premio di 1.500,00 Euro (millecinquecento/00) “Zocca Giovani2 – I giovani votano i giovani”. Quest’ultimo è determinato dai lettori al di sotto dei 28 anni.
13. Agli altri finalisti sarà attribuito un gettone di 600,00 Euro (seicento/00), comprensivo del compenso e del rimborso delle spese di viaggio per la partecipazione alla presentazione dell’opera, come previsto al capoverso 10.
14. La premiazione avverrà nel corso di una public ceremony to be held in Zocca in the month of September and will see the participation of representatives of public bodies and private individuals who have contributed to the initiative. The date of the award will be immediately communicated to the winner, finalists and others interested in publishing and disseminated through the media. The authors will be guests of the organization for the day of the award.
15. The finalists will be announced to the media. The winning entry will bear the band bearing the words "Opera Prize winning fiction Zocca Youth 2011". Ties with specific words can be used the finalists.
16. Participation in the competition implies full and complete acceptance of these rules. Although not specifically provided herein, the deliberations of the jury.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Brazilian Wax Cleveland Ohio
Once you are logged into Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle and Facebook.
All right! The number of participants has increased substantially, the spirit as well. There should be more signs and a few more bells, but not much because the noise is not for us, just to see us. I am sure that next time we will organize this.
Sunday, February 6, 2011 11:30 LIDO SQUARE - Terracina
I recommend the "buzz" let us consider not only Facebook, there are many people who "do not like Facebook," but would be interested in producing bike lanes for a " MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
" We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the Critical mass )
Here Here are some photos of today's "Critical Mass":
What is Critical Mass? For more information click on the following links: wiki / Massa_critica_ (event)
The Promoter of the Committee Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
Once you are logged into Facebook click on the title of this post and you will automatically page Committee Terracina Cycle and Facebook.

All right! The number of participants has increased substantially, the spirit as well. There should be more signs and a few more bells, but not much because the noise is not for us, just to see us. I am sure that next time we will organize this.
Sunday, February 6, 2011 11:30 LIDO SQUARE - Terracina
I recommend the "buzz" let us consider not only Facebook, there are many people who "do not like Facebook," but would be interested in producing bike lanes for a " MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
" We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the Critical mass )
Here Here are some photos of today's "Critical Mass":






























What is Critical Mass? For more information click on the following links: wiki / Massa_critica_ (event)
The Promoter of the Committee Terracina Cycle
Louis Cialone
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