Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vein Showing On Breast


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Well, yes! Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 11:30 am the first "Critical Mass" in Terracina has been there. We now look forward and ATTIVIAMOCI ALL so that the second date is a "Blockbuster" .

We must be many, but many many. It can not and must not be otherwise because people who like to "move" in Terracina bike there, and they are many. MOBILITY 'URBAN SAFETY is our right and we must do FORWARD! Therefore, we strongly and loudly the bike lanes.

You just providing all the our "duty as citizens, involving the highest number of other citizens as possible to the" Rights ", the lifestyle we believe.

So do not make commitments and make sure that all the people you know do not take them to
Sunday, January 9, 2011 11:30 Piazzale Lido (Viale Circe)

Due Christmas holiday we did "slip" to the second Sunday of the month. From February pv REMEMBER the first Sunday of each month at 11:30 am SQUARE LIDO (Viale Circe).

when I'm back in force "DST" will evaluate whether to move the CM in the late afternoon, so more people can participate.

"We do not block the traffic, we are traffic!" (Slogan of the Critical Mass)

The Promoter of the Committee Cycle Terracina email:


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