Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sony Mini Dv With Night Vision

Literary Prize "City of Forlì" 2010 (Deadline 01.17.2011)

The Cultural Center of the Nettle Forlì - Section orticadonna
under the patronage of:
- Municipality of Forlì, Department of Culture, European Politics and International Relations
- Province of Forlì-Cesena, Department of Culture, Sports, Labour policies
- Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures (SITLeC-Forlì) University
of Bologna - School of Modern Languages \u200b\u200bfor Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT-Forlì), University of Bologna

announces the eighth edition of the National Literary Prize "Città di Forlì"

The competition is divided into four sections:

• a) Award Sandra Mazzini "for unpublished poetry in Italian. Each competitor must send three unpublished poems, never won other competitions, the maximum length of 30 lines each, in 7 copies, typed, anonymous. Is joined to the works a sealed envelope containing the following information: name, address, telephone number and any e-mail the author, and title poems sent;

• b) Award Macrolibrarsi "to translate, given this year to the following languages: French, Portuguese, English. Each contestant must send the Italian version of two unpublished poems by a poet stranger, chosen by the translator, together with the original language texts, in 4 copies, typewritten, anonymous, indicating the author's name published. Is joined to the works a sealed envelope containing the following information: name, address, telephone number and e-mail any of the translator, author's name and titles of foreign chosen poems translated;

• c) Award Irene Ugolini Zoli, "the preface to a volume of poems. Send three copies of the book published not before 2005, indicating prefacer name, address, telephone number, any e-mail address and date of birth. It is accepted the item by the same publishing houses that preface;

• d) Award Foschi Publisher "for the unpublished novel. Contestants must submit an unpublished novel, never awarded in other contests, in three typewritten copies. Is joined to the works a sealed envelope containing the following information: name, address, telephone number and any e-mail the author, and title;

Competitors under the age of 14 years, will indicate the born outside the busta contenente i dati anagrafici.

Non è richiesta alcuna tassa di partecipazione.

Le opere dovranno essere inviate, per posta ordinaria, entro e non oltre il 17 gennaio 2011 al Centro Culturale L’Ortica - Via Paradiso, 4 - 47122 Forlì, indicando la sezione; il ns. telefono/ fax è: 0543/092569, e l'e-mail:

Non sono accettate le opere inviate a mezzo raccomandata, posta celere o e-mail.

Il materiale inviato non sarà restituito. I libri di poesia verranno donati a biblioteche e scuole locali.

I vincitori del primo premio dell’edizione precedente non potranno, in questa edizione, concorrere nella sezione in cui won.
• for the section, unpublished poetry, Pier Luigi Moressa, Daniel Baldinotti, Miro Cortini, Anna Facciani, Giulia Monti, Luana Pagan;
• for section b, translation: Giorgio Casadei Turroni, Gloria Bazzocchi, Anabela Cristina Costa da Silva Ferreira; •
for Section C, preface: Luciano Foglietta, Claudia Bartolotti, Thebes Fabbri, Wilma Malucelli, Ariella Monti, Maria Filippa Zait; •
for Section D, unpublished novel: Rosanna Ricci, Andrea Barbieri, Paolo Cortesi, Gianluca Gatta, Maria Teresa Indellicati, Cesarina Lucca, Marco Mazzoli, Fabrizio Montanari.
Secretary: Marina Mosconi.

Prizes: The first
• Section a): Released in 100 copies of an anthology of poems by the Cultural Center nettles, to be sent to critics and cultural magazines (20 copies will be given to the author);
• Section b) : Released in 100 copies of a corpus, with parallel text, translated author, by the Cultural Center nettles, to be sent to critics and cult magazines (the translator will be given 20 copies);
• Section c) : Zoli by artist Irene Ugolini (1910-1997). •
section d) the publication and distribution of the winning work by the "dark Publisher"
• the finalists Each section will be donated works of art and literature. •
will also be delivered the following awards: The Award cochlear offered by the Center for Environmental Education Award Renzo Forlì and Camporesi, reserved for the under 14.

The ceremony will take place May 28, 2011 at St. Catherine's Hall on a two Romanello, Forlì.
The inescapable presence of the winners, who will be notified by telephone, on pain of forfeiture of the prize, unless proven and documented reasons for refusal, in which case the delegation is allowed.
The results will be reported in the press, the Internet and web


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