Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Hosting Saturday Night Live

Info su Riunione 22 ottobre

apologize for the delay of an hour, I'll give a brief summary of the last meeting (of course the official x carryover of info that we await the publication of the minutes to the official website), then:
as he was shown a picture gallery of events in which he participated and also presented this Blog, after speeches by President, old and new members has arrived at as follows:
1) the second Friday of each month at h19.00 shall be the date of the meetings x LNI of San Teodoro, open to anyone who wants to participate (at the hall of advice ' former municipality)
2) has begun to define the working group that will deal with:
-perform the administrative
-Replace in mare i vari "Optimist" x la scuola di vela
-Creare i contatti e le occasioni x un confronto con le scuole attraverso il delegato scolastico
-Partecipare all'evento della "regata invernale".

X conludere, รจ stato un buon inizio, confortato anche dal fatto che alcuni giovani ragazzi hanno mostrato interesse verso i nostri propositi.

saluti a tutti


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