Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Use Kitchenaid Finegrater

heat emergency agricultural waste collection

has officially launched the "hot Plan 2010". The positive experiences in past years, in fact, have brought the region to once again put together a program unit, clear and concise and offered useful tools to define locally the most appropriate prevention of health damage due to heat waves summer.

The plan includes a first monitoring of climatic conditions and the ARPA Piemonte produces three separate reports forecasting, one specifically for the metropolitan city of Turin and the area, one for municipalities in the province of Turin and one for the other capitals of the region, to +24, +48 and +72 hours. The bulletins are sent via Internet to health care companies, physicians, general practitioners, social services to provinces and municipalities and local and operators of facilities for elderly and disabled.

View the bulletin with the details of Pralormo (see TO.5 Zone): click here

For each health authority, also have been prepared lists of so-called subject "fragile", approved in accordance with clinical factors, correlated with increased risk of mortality in case of heat waves. Districts, in cooperation with social services and general practitioners have verified the presence of a strong and effective network of support and a caregiver can handle the various monitoring activities planned.

The Centre for epidemiology, environmental health and environmental forecasting Systems Center Arpa Piemonte - until September 15 - will monitor the effects on mortality in the city of Turin and the provincial capitals, in particular ultrasettantacinquenni on its subject.

was then made the campaign "Hot? Instructions" click here, with the new leaflet distributed at the clinics of general practitioners and local health authorities, pharmacies , hospitals, public offices and the management bodies of the social welfare functions, and a poster displayed in the study of general practitioners. The leaflets and posters containing advice, recommendations and information to address the emergency.


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