Thursday, July 15, 2010

Clonazepam Vs Diazepam On Memory


Italian Institute of Culture in Naples

XXV (2010)

The Award is divided into fifteen sections: I.
Single unpublished poetry;
II. Published in Poetry magazine;
III. Published collection of poetry;
IV. Published collection of poetry 'Debut';
V. Collection of unpublished poetry
VI. Unpublished short story;
VII. Story published in the journal;
VIII. Unpublished collection of short stories;
IX. Published collection of short stories.
X. Novel published;
XI. Unpublished novel;
XII. Article published;
XIII. Unpublished article;
XIV. Essay published;
XV. Unpublished essay.

Participants have to send, not later than August 15, 2010, three copies of the proposals (which may be one or more), complete with signature, address and telephone number, to:

Italian Institute of Culture in Naples
International Poetry Prize and Literature "New Letters"
via Bernardo Cavallino, 89 ("Citadel")
80131 Napoli (Italy)

For sections II, VII, X and XII of the Jury is composed of all the readers of "New Letters" who are invited to express to the Editor, no later than August 15, 2010, their preference for, respectively, for a poem, a story and a novel in Italian in a journal Italian or foreign or published during 2008 and 2009.

The Jury is composed by the editors of New Letters ": Constantin Frosini, Antonio Illiano, Roberto Pasanisi (Chairman), Mario Susko, Násos Vaghenás, Nguyen Van Hoan.

The winner of the poetry section will be published in "New Letters" and the author may be submitted for publication a collection of his poems in the collection of poetry of the 'Italian Cultural Institute of Naples. All winners will be original works published in editions of 'Italian Cultural Institute of Naples (ICI Edizioni). The winning authors published a work or a new text but not sufficient in size to form a book can submit a new work for publication in the editions of 'Italian Cultural Institute of Naples (ICI Edizioni). All winning entries will be published in "New Letters Electronic (NLE). All winning entries will be eligible to bear the band and Literature International Poetry Prize "New Letters."

The final outcome of the Prize, the place and date of the award will be announced in the next issue of New Letters. "


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