Sunday, March 6, 2011, 11:30 am, Piazzale Lido, Terracina x RIDE THE RIDE THE THIRD NATIONAL CITY
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Well, at the time of writing the weather forecast for Sunday, March 6 pvalle 11:30 / 13:00 indicate: Cloudy / Cloudy, 14/15 degrees, precipitation absent; 56% moisture content, wind weak.
Terracina Weather forecast for Sunday, March 6 pv
despite rains, it rains and it rains maybe day after tomorrow (Sunday) could, FINALLY, it does not rain:
WEATHER Terracina x Sunday, March 6, 2011
If so I do not think you could ask for more perfect weather for a nice RIDING, therefore "Velocipede " ready!
I would like to remind all of CTC friends, that share its goals, asking to participate in the construction of cycle lanes for MOBILITY 'URBAN in BICYCLE SAFETY in .
try to raise awareness and involve the public and consequently the current MUNICIPALITY (and the futura), sulla problematica,quindi, CARTELLI come quelli della foto a margine, o qualsiasi altra cosa la vostra fantasia vi detti , purchè si richiami l'attenzione su quanto predetto.
Grazie per avermi letto e..... a DOMENICA 06 MARZO ...NUMEROSI, TANTISSIMI ... E DAI CON IL PASSAPAROLA , cerchiamo di rendere Terracina più "VIVIBILE e PEDALABILE"! !!
Il Promotore del Comitato Terracina Ciclabile
Luigi Cialone
La PEDALATA CITTADINA si farà sempre nello spirito della "CRITICAL MASS" , "We do not block the traffic, we are traffic! "
(Slogan of the critical mass), it is a " organized coincidence ", everyone participates with OWN PERSONAL REASONS , etc.etc.
What is Critical Mass?
... Given the lack of organization, recognized leaders, the default paths, the "CRITICAL MASS" can not be treated as a demonstration and it is usual to have cognitive difficulties that the authorities do not have a precise references to turn to ...
... Each participant is responsible under staff for their actions, and then decide for itself whether and which violate the rules ...
.... of those who participate in Critical, which see mobility in cities could be improved by to bicycles and other alternative means of transport than private transport of cars ....
The Critical Mass is often called a "organized coincidence" , without leaders, organizers, or members identified by something other than their participation at the event ...
... Just as a result of this lack of hierarchy, is required to take responsibility for the cyclo event, each individually .....
For more information click on the following link: (event)
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