PRIZE GIACOMO GAZZARA "(Deadline 20/03/2011)
Contest rules for emerging authors
first edition - 2011 by the Cultural
Bandito" Book Fair Messina "
Awards April 16, 2011 Messina
first edition in 2011 - at the First International Book Fair of Messina, which will be held on 15, 16 and April 17, 2011 at PalaCultura-" PalaAntonello "of Messina, the ' Cultural Association "Book Fair Messina" announces the "Literary Prize GIACOMO GAZZARA" The edition, to be allocated to three works of fiction in Italian. A prize will be awarded to the author
rookie MESSINES 2011
A prize will be awarded to the author rookie SICILIANO 2011
A prize will be awarded to the author rookie NATIONAL 2011
2 - may be eligible for prizes works of fiction published in the volume, period between 1 January 2008 and January 31, 2011, and regularly on the market. They can also be chosen works that have already received other awards. The month and year of publication to refer to, will be shown on the printed book, where this information is missing, the same shall be provided by the publisher under his responsibility by written declaration. If the work had been published under a pseudonym, it will require a written statement that the name and biographical data of the author. Each author will compete for more prizes if they satisfy the requirements of residence or birth in the territory indicated by the premium. (Eg an author Messina will participate in all three awards, an author only two Sicilian, a Sicilian author not only to the prize rookie National 2011).
3 - The organizing committee of the association, perhaps assisted by external consultants identified and approved by the Assembly, by February 28, 2011, shall appoint: a) a Scientific and Technical Committee (panel of experts) chaired by a journalist and made up of 4 elements identified in the following figures of the academic, literary and political: the two writers, an expert in publishing, a communications expert. The Scientific Committee and the President have a mandate renewed annually. The acceptance to join the Committee involves the implicit acceptance of these Regulations also includes participation in events organized by the award during the closing celebration, and a willingness to intervene to other parallel events organized throughout the year by the Book Fair Messina.
4 - Components the Scientific Committee are required to report to the Prize, by April 5, 2011, at their sole discretion, the titles of the winning works of the three contests.
5 - The Award Secretariat will inform the authors / editors, the winners of the competition. The winners will be invited to attend the awards ceremony to be held Saturday, April 16, 2011 at Palacultura "PalAntonello" Messina. The cost of travel and accommodation, exclusively for the winner, will be borne by the organization of the competition. (The authors could not intervene to receive the award must state explicitly in writing to the Award Secretariat not later than 10 April 2011.
6 - The authors / publishers will send, by registered letter to the Secretary of the Ass. Book Fair Messina c / o Elleci Editors Reedy, Via Nicola Fabrizi, 109, 98123 Messina (ME), not later than March 20, 2011, No 3 (three) copies of each work, attaching them to the receipt of payment for entry to the competition and the entry form attached hereto. The copies of the work will be sent by the author / publisher at no charge and will not be returned.
7 - The winners of the three sections will be delivered during the closing event, a cash prize and a plaque. The winners of the "James GAZZARA" will be invited to attend the closing ceremony as well as to intervene at other initiatives organized by the "International Book Fair in Messina."
8 - At the awards ceremony to be held April 16, 2011 at Palacutura "PalAntonello" of Messina, will also be conferred: Author of the year award in 2011 (author of national reputation) and a Prize career. Prizes must be collected in person by the victors, required to attend the ceremony.
9 - The cost of participation for each competition is 15.00 € to send with payment:
PostePay code: 4023600598456731
Associazione Salone del Libro - Messina
Via N. Fabrizi, 109 – 98123 Messina
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