The physiognomy of the country is characterized by the Parish of San Donato , built in 1931-'32 where stood the old rectory and the ancient brotherhood of San Bernardino. The apse is preserved triptych depicting the Jacopino Longo Madonna and Child with Saints James and Donato (1546). The painting was stolen by unknown assailants in March 1997 but was returned in December 2000 alla nostra comunità dal Comando dei Carabinieri di Savigliano. Di particolare interesse è l’organo a canne costruito per l’antica parrocchiale nel 1898 dall’organaro Antonio Mola. La nuova Parrocchiale, resasi necessaria per sopperire alla scarsa capienza e ai numerosi problemi strutturali di quella più antica, nacque dalla volontà dell’allora parroco don Teobaldo Massasso e dagli enormi sacrifici di tutti Pralormesi. Circa questi ultimi si ricorda che tutti contribuirono come poterono: chi portando sabbia e ghiaia dal torrente Rio Verde, chi scavando le fondamenta e, per finire, chi donando il ricavo dei commerci domestici.
Poco distante si trova l’ Antica parrocchiale costruita tra la fine del XVII e i primi anni del XVIII secolo, attualmente in parziale stato di abbandono.
Poco distante si trova il Castello Beraudo di Pralormo , la cui prima costruzione risale al XIII secolo come parte del sistema di fortificazioni di questa zona del Piemonte contesa tra Asti e i Biandrate. Lo possedettero i Gorzano, i Pelletta e dopo la definitiva vittoria di Asti, Manfredo Roero ed i suoi discendenti. Nel 1680 Giacomo Beraudo acquisì il terzo del castello posto verso sud e venne investito del titolo Count of the regent Maria Giovanna Battista of Savoy Nemours.
In about 1730 the chapel was built by architect Galletti, then elevated with a beautiful frescoed room. But is due to Count Carlo Beraudo restructuring of the entire building, the architect entrusted in 1840 the court Ernesto Melano. In this modernization were abolished in the moat and drawbridge, built the porch, a grand staircase was covered and the central courtyard, turned into a double-height living room. In that same time, the small rose garden on the south side mentioned in the sixteenth century. was transformed into a park designed by architect Xavier Kurten. the end of the century, the grandson of the minister, he built the Orangerie, the grand country house and the greenhouse glass and iron work of the brothers Lefevre of Paris.
Amid the scenic route that links the two buildings there is the signal tower of the thirteenth century, then transformed into bell tower and clock tower in modern times . It 'interesting that the first clock mounted on the building dates back to December 1749 when the mayor and the community decided to buy one. Intervened in the sale of the Earl who managed Beraudo to find a clock "second hand", although in excellent condition and "cheap." The watch came from the Fathers of the Certosa di Collegno who had decided to discard it because it was too noisy for the needs of the monastery.
down from vila jiere towards the lower part of the country, we meet an old villa, Palace Ferreri , better known, according to generations as "Ca 'd' Fassio "or" Ca 'the witches "today is partly intended to use receptive. The history of this house appears to date back to the mid-700, when it was still used as an outpost of the castle guards. Because it certainly was the purchase by Alberto Ferreri Cavelier, alleged stepson of King and Mayor of Pralormo, who worked for the second half of a deep renovation: he realize the park and retrieve the teams but also made build the party room with vaulted ceiling frescoed by the famous brothers of Mossello Montà d'Alba. On the death of this the house passed to the Blanc family, distant relatives of the Cavalier Ferreri. Thereafter, and until the outbreak of World War II the house was used as a police station, by German troops and partisan brigades during the World War II.
From SP 134, 1 mile from the village, towards Cellarengo, you can turn right onto a gravel dirt road at the end of which stands the shrine of St. Donatus, the patron saint Country . The earliest records date back to 1662 when it is referred to as "old church", reflecting the presence of the ancient inhabited. The current architecture dates back to 1874, when the building was rebuilt at the expense of the City in 1872 after the original building was demolished because now crumbling.
Continuing along the SR 29 south to Mount Alba find the indication for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn : wanted, according to tradition, the popular devotion, was built after a 'image of the Virgin painted on a pillar in one eye and scratched by a thorn, let out blood.
The first historical records are derived from the report of the pastoral visit of the Bishop of Asti Archbishop Domenico della Rovere made in 1585. In it we talk about a large crowd of people because of the many miracles and you two altar at which Mass is celebrated. From a church bulletin, edited by Don Carlo at the rector of the Shrine in 1925, we learn that the altar was built in 1632. The church was guarded by several religious orders who lived in the adjacent monastery, of which we can mention the Trinity (1639-1652), the Cistercians (1681-1797). The building of the monastery was built in the middle of the seventeenth century on land donated by Gaspare Petrina, lord of the place. From 1797 to 1833, the monastery belonged to a certain I'll Giuseppe di Torino.
In 1833 it was purchased by Marchesi Ferrero della Marmora. In 1877 Don Elijah Francis, in gratitude for the recovery obtained from a long illness, healed by entrusting the renewal of the church interior paintings in a famous painter in the area, Barucco Felice, who painted the figures on the sides under the Blessed Virgin and the times. At the beginning of 900 the monastery went to the daughters of St. Philip. Can be attributed to Don Rodolfo Piglione the restoration work that significantly altered the facade of the sanctuary to which were added the two towers and a small porch, was also knocked down the bell tower located on the conical dome. Since 1991, the property of the Sisters of Adoration Cottolengo. The feast of Our Lady of the Thorn Aug. 15 is celebrated with the solemnity of the Assumption.
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