Come scrive Goffredo Casalis i Pralormesi sono … “buoni e robusti”.
Niente male, no? Credetegli, è vero, ma c’è anche molto altro.
Raccontarci sarebbe troppo difficile, troppo lungo, né forse ne saremmo capaci.
Il Cardinale Giovanni Battista Roero nato nel 1684 fu vescovo di Acqui from 1727 to 1744 years in which he was appointed archbishop of Turin. Reached the peak of his ecclesiastical career with the Cardinal's hat in 1756. A witness of John the Baptist Roero activities are still among the various works done to achieve the Turin side of the church of S. Teresa of the Discalced Carmelites.
Count Carlo Beraudo Pralormo played an important role in the "big" story of the first half of the nineteenth century. He began his career in the Sardinian legation in Berlin (1814-17) and Paris (1820 - 21). He was minister plenipotentiary in Paris and Vienna and the merits acquired covered the role of Minister of Finance, then Interior Minister was the king of Sardinia Carlo Alberto. Appointed Senator in 1848, he negotiated the peace with Austria in Milan in 1849. In 1850 he retired to private life and was given the honor of the collar of the Annunciation and the dignity of Minister of State. In the latter should be the unification of the property of the estate around 1830, when it bought the Roero and La Marmora the other two parties.
Emanuele Beraudo Pralormo won the bronze medal contest of the full team riding at the Olympic Games of 1924 held in Paris.
Piglione Don Rodolfo, an honorary citizen of Pralormo in 1995 on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Liberation. Young Chaplain to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn in September 1944 saved the lives of sixty pralormesi hostages captured in retaliation for the Nazi command, saving the country from terrible acts of retaliation. His figure, curve sull'inseparabile bike, is still alive among those who knew him.
And continuing this brief review we may forget who's creativity and imagination has made it a profession? Of course not! Do you think that is born in Pralormo, and here it is off in November 2006, the only between ... words ... words that its blue ... ... torpedo is able to bring his little ... ... until ... ... Monte Carlo! We are talking about Leo Chiosso , writer and playwright, who has signed all the successes of the unforgettable Fred Hammond, as well as several songs by Mina, Gaber, Dorelli, Vanoni and many others. And it has worked on numerous full TV shows, an all Canzonissima 1962, and garbatissimi children's books, which in 1975 won him the Hans Christian Andersen Award. The most recent of virtue is certainly pralormesi cosmopolitanism.
Gabriele Mura , Marshal of the Force, he attended the 1st course dog lovers in '56 / '57 and then in turn was an instructor until '66. That year, as commander, along with other two colleagues opened the Carabinieri Nucleo Kennelclubs to Pralormo, the first in Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta.
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