Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where To Find Pinky Clothes From Alloy

International Prize "Giuseppe Sciacca (expires 15/10/2010)

Notice 2010 - Edition IX International Prize "Giuseppe Sciacca
• Organization • Purpose Prize

Presidency • President's Committee
• Departments • Jury Prize

• Participation • How to Contact

sections of the Award Jury of the International Prize "Giuseppe Sciacca” assegna ogni anno un Premio Assoluto ad una personalità che rappresenti un valido riferimento morale e dottrinale nell’evolversi della società, oppure costituisca un sano esempio di capacità ed efficienza nell’interesse generale.
Inoltre la Giuria conferisce particolari riconoscimenti a persone che si sono segnalate nei vari campi del sapere e dell’arte secondo due categorie di premi:
Giovani studiosi - (fino a 35 anni di età), ripartiti in nove sezioni:
• Comunicazione e Giornalismo;
• Cinema e Teatro;
• Sport, Arti e Moda;
• Disegno, Grafica, Fotografia e Musica;
• Cultura della Pace, Tutela dei Minori;
• Essays, Fiction, Historical and Juridical Sciences •
• Economics, Research and Development;
• Young Entrepreneurs.

Special Awards - from the world of culture and institutional activities, broken down into two sections: Culture

• Award • Special Jury Prizes

The jury will take the decisions on the category Young Scholars after the selection of works that, according to the Notice must be submitted by October 15, 2010.

Young Scholars - 9 Sections


Communication - "San Bernardino da Siena"
"San Bernardino of Siena (Massa Marittima 1380 - L'Aquila 1444) is one of the greatest preachers of the Church's history. Eminent theologian, a staunch defender of the weak, spread devotion to the name of Jesus ideandone its monogram IHS and fought vigorously against the social evil of usury. And 'the patron saint of Italian advertising. "
Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other developed concerning the theme of the section and a curriculum vitae, the number of two signed copies. You can send thesis in dvd / cd-rom drafted in the last five years.

You can send up a compilation of three articles in the number of two copies signed (together with curriculum vitae), appeared in a newspaper or a magazine over the past three years, national and international. You can send thesis in DVD / CD-ROM written over the past five years.


Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other elaborate on the cinema or theater, and a curriculum vitae of the author and / or director, the number of two copies signed. You can send movies to dvd / cd-rom relating to: a) short duration max 30 minutes, b) films (first) 75 minutes maximum duration, c) 30 minutes max length documentaries d) scripts, e) theater; f ) music videos. I movies post, if not produced in Italian, will be subtitled or dubbed in the language above.


Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other elaborate on Sport with particular reference to the Olympic disciplines and a curriculum vitae, the number of two signed copies. You can send movies to dvd / cd-rom of minutes max duration of 20 (twenty). For young people who wish to participate in the sections "Sport" and "Arts", please refer to the memorandum of understanding signed respectively with the CONI (Sport) and FITP - FEDERATION Italian Traditions (Arts).

Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other elaborate on the arts sector and a curriculum vitae, the number of two signed copies. You can send movies to dvd / cd-rom of minutes max duration of 20 (twenty).

Participants must submit a mini collection consists of three sketches from related technical and research tissue and proposed a curriculum vitae, the number of two signed copies. You can send videos or photos of dresses already made that if awarded the prize, will be shown during the awards ceremony.


Design, Graphic Design, Photo
Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other elaborate History of no more than 150 pages, the number of two signed copies. Must submit their original works of graphic design or any subject (which will not be returned) to a maximum of 5 drawings, the size can not exceed 24cm x 36cm. The same applies to the Photographs may be submitted in black and white or color, each bearing the title, date and place where they were taken. It must also be sent a resume in two signed copies. The jury reserves the right to organize an exhibition of the works. Works of drawing, graphics, sculpture preferably should reproduce the portrait di Giuseppe Sciacca o comunque ispirarsi alla sua figura e al suo esempio di vita (biografia e foto sono rilevabili dal sito internet: e/o

Si potrà inviare un demo, in formato audio o video, contenente una o più tracce di musica originale (inedita/edita) o cover, accompagnato dal proprio curriculum vitae artistico, in due copie firmate.

V - CULTURA DELLA PACE, TUTELA DEI MINORI - “Francesco e Giacinta di Fatima”
"Nel 1917 i due fanciulli Francesco e Giacinta Marto (7 e 8 anni), insieme alla cuginetta Lucia, sono stati i protagonisti della apparizioni di Fatima, mediatori di un potente supernatural message that the Blessed Virgin Mary has directed you to redeem mankind back to God, accepting the Lord, through a process of prayer and penance. The extraordinary power of the Rosary and the fruits of purifying suffering were pinpointed as their main ways to achieve peace in the world. These shepherds, assisted by divine grace, have managed to embody themselves admirably in this stimulating work of interior conversion, reaching and moving to a heroic sacrifice of their lives for the sake of us all. Now look at us from heaven in the glory of the blessed and invite us to follow suit to obtain from God the gift of true peace, the gospel, che esige la completa sottomissione alla Sua volontà."
I partecipanti dovranno far pervenire un articolo o una monografia o un saggio o altro elaborato ed un curriculum vitae, in numero di due copie firmate. Si possono inviare tesi di laurea in dvd/cd-rom redatte negli ultimi cinque anni. Per i giovani partecipanti segnalati dal Dipartimento della Giustizia Minorile del Ministero della Giustizia si rinvia al Protocollo d’Intesa e relativo regolamento siglati tra l’Associazione “Uomo e Società” e il suddetto Dipartimento.


Si potranno inviare sempre in numero di due copie firmate, una scelta di un massimo di 4 saggi inediti o editi since 1996 with any number of pages and a curriculum vitae. Are accepted papers taken from national and international journals.

You can always send in number two signed copies, a choice of up to 4 or unpublished short stories published from 1996 onwards with any number of pages and a curriculum vitae. We accept anecdotes drawn from national and international journals.

Poetry - "Maria Gregoria Terms"
"Gregoria Maria Termini, whose strong character and genial disposition was markedly characterized by a great spirit of generosity and altruism, but mainly by a deep religious sense is linked to every slightest gesture of his life. Its versatile personality has led her to experiment in different fields of art and culture. The expression of suffering that distinguishes all his compositions is accompanied, however, that the religion which smooths the content and encloses them within a horizon of hope. "
Participants may submit original works (up to a choice of 3's lyrics not more than 60 lines each) or books published since 1996 with any number of pages. typescripts Both the volumes and the curriculum vitae should reach the Secretary's Award in the number of two signed copies.

VII - Economic and Research AND DEVELOPMENT

Participants must send a article or monograph or essay or otherwise processed in Economics and a curriculum vitae, the number of two signed copies. You can send thesis in DVD / CD-ROM written over the past five years.

Research and Development
Participants must submit an article or a thesis or other traits that developed specialized topics related to research and development in various fields of interest, nationally and / or international level and a curriculum vitae number of two signed copies. You can send thesis in DVD / CD-ROM written over the past five years. For young participants reported by the Tor Vergata ALITUR, please refer to the Memoranda of Understanding signed between its rules and Sciacca said the prize and the Association.

VIII - LEGAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES - "Marco Balzarini of Lusignan"
"Prof. Marco Balzarini, Count of Lusignan, who died on August 22, 2000 was a great example of noble Catholic and bright set in law internationally. His last academic appointment was that of Professor of Institutions of Roman Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Teramo, having taught previously at the Complutense University of Madrid, Padua, Trieste. "
Participants must submit an article or a monograph or essay or other elaborate Legal Science o Storiche ed un curriculum vitae, in numero di due copie firmate. Si possono inviare tesi di laurea in dvd/cd-rom redatte negli ultimi cinque anni.

IX – GIOVANI IMPRENDITORI - “Giovanni Cinque Senior”
"Giovanni Cinque Senior, grande imprenditore e fondatore di un’industria casearia che rimane negli annali della storia dell’imprenditoria italiana. Personalità di elevate doti umane, rigoroso senso del dovere e non comuni capacità manageriali, non soltanto ha saputo realizzare un’ importante attività produttiva ma ha costituito uno splendido esempio di conduzione etica del lavoro e concezione della famiglia."
Si potranno inviare i curriculum dell’attività imprenditoriale certifying the results achieved in two copies signed.

Special Awards - Sections 2

are distinguished persons who, through their activities and their example, it has been of particular merit in the various fields of knowledge, progress and civil institutional commitment.

are distinguished persons who have distinguished themselves through their work or their particular activity.

GENERAL PARTICIPATION Participation is open to everyone, Italians and other nationalities, will send their works (the Italian language is required for the works written) to the Office of the Dean of the Prize (Via Baglioni, 19 - 00164 Rome), not later than October 15, 2010 and who have not aged more than 35 years. Candidates should send application containing personal information, address and phone number and email. For all the competitors participating in each of the categories / sections involves a payment (by check or money order is not transferable to the Secretariat of the International Prize "Giuseppe Sciacca") of the symbolic price of EUR 10.00 to partially cover the costs of the secretariat for each category / section you wish to attend. For young people who attend the middle school or higher or the university, which must attach a certificate of attendance issued on plain paper by the Secretariat or the Presidency or substitute statement (DPR 445/2000) participation does not involve any payment. Entries must be submitted, each number two signed copies, not later than October 15, 2010 (postmarked) to the Office of the Dean of the International Prize "Giuseppe Sciacca. In the "Culture of Peace - Protection of Minors Francesco and Jacinta of Fatima," you establish one or more scholarships for children reported by the Department of Juvenile Justice Department of Justice. With respect to modalities of participation of those guys you refer to the Memorandum of Understanding on Rules and agreements signed between the Association "Man and Society" and the NYPD. It is strongly recommended for competitors to send as soon as their work also to give the jury the time to make a fair and calm appraisal. The first competitor in each category, the winner will receive a merit certificate, a trophy or a plaque and a medal. The second and third competitor in each category will receive a medal and a scroll. The jury also reserves the right to award certificate of merit medals and other participants and / or works, such as award finalists, and indicate further developed particularly interesting. Awards will also be on first or publishers considered significantly worthwhile. Winners will be notified by mail or by telephone by the General Secretariat of the Prize. The award ceremony will take place in Rome - the Vatican City in the month of November / December. You will as soon as news of the location and exact date that are being defined, in the presence of the jury, the civil authorities, military and religious. And 'The participation of the press and television networks. For the sections reserved for young prizes must be collected by the author or person of trust provided with regular delegation. The Secretariat will not send any prizes. In the section on Special Prizes will be no prize awarded in the absence of the addressee. By agreement with competitors, the Secretariat General of the Award reserves the right to publish any new works.
All published and unpublished works that are received will not be returned and, once cataloged, will remain the property of the Prize. By participating, each individual author or producer is responsible for the content of his works, of any third party copyright and grants express permission to use the musical material and / or visual. The authors of the winning works of the various categories / sections of the Award agree to quote in future promotions, exhibitions or any other form of public performance of the work, la loro partecipazione al Premio Internazionale “Giuseppe Sciacca”, la categoria/sezione relativa e i premi conseguiti, inclusa la pubblicazione del logo ufficiale del Premio, contattando preventivamente l’ufficio stampa. I partecipanti al Premio autorizzano il trattamento dei loro dati personali ai sensi del D.Lgs. 196/03 e successive modifiche.
Ogni giudizio della Giuria è insindacabile e inappellabile.

Segreteria di Presidenza
via dei Baglioni, 19
00164 - Roma


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