Monday, September 13, 2010

Getting Bot D2nt To Run

TORCH "ANTI NARDI" September 13, 2010

Qualcuno dia una spiegazione logica e pratica ai Cittadini sull'utilità di questa "fiaccolata", cosa cambia per noi Cittadini se abbiamo ancora "il Nardi" per altri sei mesi o un Commissario? NULLA, assolutamente NIENTE!
Un' iniziativa simile sarebbe stata da prendere circa QUATTRO anni or sono, nel Dicembre 2006 quando nella città di Terracina vi erano cumuli di immondizia in ogni where the stench of garbage has hovered in the air for weeks. If only the Mayor Nardi addition to receiving my fax, which invited him to resign, he had received a few thousand, then, yes, there is every reason to torchlight parades and more. But the "reaction" of our "First Citizen ineffable" I suppose he only received the fax of the undersigned.
The "torch" in the subject now in 'Fall 2010 (almost) has no logical sense, it is clear, therefore, that this event has a simple goal, "political", in which case it would be desirable that the organizers to express themselves more clearly and in detail about their political intentions and told people how to think to solve the problems facing the city of Terracina.
addition to challenging the actions of others should be told that someone HOW to fish, which draw up a program and put him on the network (Internet) so that people can inspect it. The Committee Cycle
Terracina, with regard to urban mobility, which for years has published its "objectives", in fact a program to do so, when will the professional politicians?
I fear that in 'the Fall 2011 Terracina may regret the Administration Nardi and exclaim: "It was better when it was worse," I hope that does not happen, but the conditions that can happen are all there.
Someone started to say and write, that the previous government, which reduced the coffers of the municipality of Terracina on the pavement, will be pursued within: Criminal, Civil, Administrative and Financial. Jointly and personally wherever the hyper lax laws of this country permit, and requirements of various amnesties. It 'hard to believe that in all these years these gentlemen have worked in perfect harmony with the law, if not it would be appropriate to pursue jointly and severally liable personally, so it would give confidence to the Citizen un'inezione demoralized and disheartened by this inept , incapable and incompetent politicians, and above all avoid listening to the same phrase at each election:
"Abbiamo ereditato una situazione molto pesante e difficile dalle precedenti Amministrazioni", bene staremo a vedere se qualcuno avrà il coraggio di istituire una "task-force" di "esperti" che vada a ricercare eventuali responsabilità di questo dissesto finanziario e del DANNO ESISTENZIALE causato ai Cittadini da questi due lustri di Amministrazione Nardi, e, prescrizioni permettendo, anche delle precedenti.

Il Promotore del Comitato Terracina Ciclabile email:

Qualcuno non deve aver gradito la "fiaccolata" in oggetto, strappare il manifesto a 3/5 metri da terra non è certo casuale:


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