Thursday, March 18, 2010

Custom Football Visors

Appointment Eco-

food and wine event full of flavor and della buona cucina , senza dimenticare il rispetto e la sostenibilità ambientale : è questo l’obiettivo del Comune e della Pro Loco di Pralormo!

Info: 335-7459000 - 335-7459001 oppure su

Ci trovate in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II di fronte alla fermata navetta
il 28 marzo, 4 – 5 – 11 – 18 – 25 – aprile, 1 – 2 maggio
Servizio dalle ore 11,30 alle ore 14,00:
non must make your reservation!

Here's the menu:
Appetizer - Platter of House: meats and cheeses
First - ravioli with meat sauce
Second - Polenta with Meria EUT Fire Putàge (stew) of Stew Sausage and Sweet
- Tris biscuits or Bunet of the Ninth
Discover recipes and secrets of our products: click here

and prices:
Overcast +1 scope of choice (including starter, main and second) + € 7.50 soft
Covered +2-course (appetizer between the first and second) + € 11.50 sweet
Covered +3 course meal (appetizer, first and second) + sweet 15, € 50
Apart Coffee & Wine Cafe Pusa
Discover all the products used! Click here

consider again a few moments more because my name is "Meet Eco-Gourmet!

La grande affluenza di turisti e visitatori alla manifestazione, e di conseguenza il significativo numero di pasti somministrati (sono oltre 3.000 quelli previsti), si è rivelata un fattore critico nella gestione del riciclo dei rifiuti. A tal proposito i due Enti, in stretta collaborazione con il CCS (Consorzio Chierese per i Servizi), hanno realizzato un progetto volto alla riduzione dei rifiuti, in particolar di quelli non recuperabili .

Durante le manifestazione “Appuntamento Eco-gastronomico” saranno quindi utilizzate stoviglie monouso biodegradabili e compostabili in Mater-Bi prodotte da Ecozema. All products in the Ecozema ( ) are made with materials that ensure the second biodegradable and compostable EN13432. However, the materials used are of different nature, from various sources including renewable corn starch or residual fiber processing of sugar cane and this means that the characteristics of the product obtained may be significantly different. The main characteristics of each material:

Mater-Bi: is a biopolymer developed by Novamont containing natural resources of agricultural origin (starch, vegetable oils), completely biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resistant to a maximum temperature of 85 ° C. E 'milky color and is used for the production of cutlery or in combination with the card, for dishes and glasses. In the film is also used for the production of packaging that surrounds the kit cutlery. During the event also will be used also in Mater-Bi bags for the collection of the organic fraction. More information about

PLA: is a biopolymer derived from corn starch (obtained by a chemical process, but different from the Mater-Bi) is completely biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resistant to a maximum temperature of 55 ° C. E 'perfectly transparent and is used for the production of glasses with aesthetic and mechanical characteristics similar to polystyrene, but because of its poor resistance to high temperatures, suitable only for cold beverages. More information about

pulp cellulose is obtained residual fibers from the processing of some plants, particularly sugar cane, and is therefore 100% natural, biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resist temperatures up to 200 ° C and can be used in microwave and conventional oven. It is used for the production of plates and glasses

During the event, thanks to fruitful collaboration with SMAT (Torino Metropolitan Water Company - http://www.smatorino . com / ) , will also be used in the water in network that will prevent the distribution of PET bottles in , while the wine will be served directly in the glass, thus replacing the bottles of 0,375 ml. Finally, the system will be reorganized distribution of meals.

For a thorough analysis of the initiative CCS (Chieri Consortium of Human Services - ) will pay follow the whole cycle of waste disposal plants up. The initiative is a pilot project to identify of a protocol of action for the management of exhibitions produced by the 19 municipalities in the Consortium.


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