Getting to and around the Golden Hump Pralormo
Getting to navigate and to Pralormo Messer Tulipano 2010: on the map are some tips and useful information for those who travel by car, caravan or motorbike!
View Pralormo - Messer Tulipano 2010 in a larger map
ring road A55 Torino / Turin-Milan highway A4 Trieste motorway A5 Torino Aosta / Highway A32 Turin Bardonecchia
Santena exit, continue on SR29 for Poirino and then Pralormo (15 km)
Highway A21 Torino Piacenza Brescia
output Villanova d'Asti, continue on SR29 for Poirino and then Pralormo (15 km)
A6 Torino Savona
exit Carmagnola, continue on the SP 134 for Pralormo (15 km)
Once in Pralormo follow the directions on parking signs Yellow : A free shuttle takes you directly to Piazza Vittorio Emanuele for the exhibition "Messer Tulipano 2010.
Shuttle Special Province of Turin
The novelty of 2010 is the establishment of a free shuttle bus from Turin Castle Pralormo on Sundays March 28, 4, 5 , 11, 18 and 25 April and 1 and May 2: This is a service sponsored by the Province of Turin.
The service will be free and by appointment, subject to availability of seats, call al numero 011-8140981 011-8140981. La partenza da Porta Susa (piazza XVIII Dicembre angolo via Cernaia, lato portici) è prevista alle 10. Il rientro a Torino è previsto con partenza da Pralormo alle 16,30.
Maggiori informazioni sul sito della Provincia: vai al sito .
Trasporti pubblici
Autobus di linea
Autolinee GTT: Torino-Alba. Per conoscere orari e percorso:
- visita il sito ufficiale di GTT clicca qui
- scopri il nuovo servizio Google Transit clicca qui
- chiama il numero verde gratuito 800-019152
Autolinee Chiesa: Carignano-Carmagnola-Pralormo. Per informazioni chiama 011-9720379
Trenitalia - stazione di Torino Porta Nuova: coincidenza con autolinee GTT (fermata Via Madama Cristina/ Vittorio)
Trenitalia - stazione di Carmagnola: coincidenza con autolinee Chiesa
C onsulta gli orari sul sito ufficiale di Trenitalia clicca qui
Monday, March 22, 2010
Laundry Storage Solutions
Tinca Pianalto Poirino - DOP
Alcune informazioni "tecniche"...
Il 21 febbraio 2008 Commissione Europea ha dato il via libera all'iscrizione della Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino nel Registro europeo delle Denominazioni d’Origine Protetta (DOP) : ad oggi si tratta dell'unica DOP relativa a pesci d'acqua dolce assieme alla Carpa di Pohorelice, allevata nella Moravia del sud (Repubblica Ceca).
La denominazione « Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino » distingue gli esemplari, allo stato fresco, ossia non trasformato, della specie Tinca (Tinca tinca) bred, born and bred, the geographical area called Pianalto, and more specifically in the municipalities of Poirino (TO), Isolabella (TO), Pralormo (TO), Ceresole d'Alba (CN), Cellarengo (AT) . are partially included in the production area of \u200b\u200bthe municipalities of: Carmagnola, Villastellone, Santenna, Riva at Chieri near Turin, Flags of Dawn, Montà d'Alba Montaldo Roero, Roero Monteu, Pocapaglia, Sanfrè, S. Stefano Roero, Sommariva del Bosco Sommariva Perno in the province of Cuneo, Villanova d'Asti, S. Dusino Michael Valfenera, Bottiglieri D'Asti, St. Paul Solbrito in the province of Asti.
Where is the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino
A Pralormo you can buy the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto at:
Az. Cascina Fiorentina Filippo Ronco
Fiorentina Road No 24
10040 Hours: by appointment tel
011 9481219 011 9481219
Az. Cascina Savoiarda Mario Noah
Salumi e carni suine, Salame di giora, carni bovine
Strada Antica di Valfenera 14
10040 Pralormo
tel e fax 011 9481625
orario: da giovedì a sabato: 9.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00
Vai alla cartina clicca qui
La denominazione « Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino » distingue gli esemplari, allo stato fresco, ossia non trasformato, della specie Tinca (Tinca tinca) bred, born and bred, the geographical area called Pianalto, and more specifically in the municipalities of Poirino (TO), Isolabella (TO), Pralormo (TO), Ceresole d'Alba (CN), Cellarengo (AT) . are partially included in the production area of \u200b\u200bthe municipalities of: Carmagnola, Villastellone, Santenna, Riva at Chieri near Turin, Flags of Dawn, Montà d'Alba Montaldo Roero, Roero Monteu, Pocapaglia, Sanfrè, S. Stefano Roero, Sommariva del Bosco Sommariva Perno in the province of Cuneo, Villanova d'Asti, S. Dusino Michael Valfenera, Bottiglieri D'Asti, St. Paul Solbrito in the province of Asti.
Where is the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino
A Pralormo you can buy the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto at:
Az. Cascina Fiorentina Filippo Ronco
Fiorentina Road No 24
10040 Hours: by appointment tel
011 9481219 011 9481219
Az. Cascina Savoiarda Mario Noah
Salumi e carni suine, Salame di giora, carni bovine
Strada Antica di Valfenera 14
10040 Pralormo
tel e fax 011 9481625
orario: da giovedì a sabato: 9.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00
Vai alla cartina clicca qui
Alcune informazioni "tecniche"...
Pelle : colorazione viva, brillante e lucente grigio-grafite o verde opalino sul dorso e giallo dorato sui fianchi, lo spessore della pelle deve essere minimo e non superiore a 1 mm, eventuali segni, lesioni o abrasioni skin are permitted provided that healed only by or arising from the action of fishing or predation.
Meat : relation to the organoleptic characteristics of meat of "the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino 'was tender, soft, fairly compact, low-fat and therefore no taste and odors such as mud, silt or grass, are light and delicate flavor of fish, not decided how the fish of the sea.
Meat : relation to the organoleptic characteristics of meat of "the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino 'was tender, soft, fairly compact, low-fat and therefore no taste and odors such as mud, silt or grass, are light and delicate flavor of fish, not decided how the fish of the sea.
Eye: bright, vivid, bright, convex, transparent cornea and pupil black, yellow or orange bulb.
tench, Land, Peschiere
The Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino, unlike the other specimens of tench geographic ranges, not indicative of taste and smell the flavor of 'mud 'or' grass' and the meat is tender. This characteristic is directly determined by the type of fisheries management which has always been implemented in Pianalto. These needs will differ from similar environments because they muddy the fund fails to form a continuous mass of water and the conditions are extremely variable for most of the growing season, preventing the establishment of conditions conducive to the development of 'blooms' algae.
to understand why, in fishing Pianalto, Tench of livestock, it is difficult to develop stable populations and substantial Cyanophyte and therefore it is understandable why the meat of the fish does not acquire the characteristic scent which, not surprisingly, the French call "limon", just mud.
tench, Land, Peschiere
The Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino, unlike the other specimens of tench geographic ranges, not indicative of taste and smell the flavor of 'mud 'or' grass' and the meat is tender. This characteristic is directly determined by the type of fisheries management which has always been implemented in Pianalto. These needs will differ from similar environments because they muddy the fund fails to form a continuous mass of water and the conditions are extremely variable for most of the growing season, preventing the establishment of conditions conducive to the development of 'blooms' algae.
to understand why, in fishing Pianalto, Tench of livestock, it is difficult to develop stable populations and substantial Cyanophyte and therefore it is understandable why the meat of the fish does not acquire the characteristic scent which, not surprisingly, the French call "limon", just mud.
The Pianalto is isolated from the surface water coming down from the Alps and ground water are below the blanket diluvial rainfall in the area are scarce (700 mm / year) and the small scale of the catchment area downstream quickly convey the runoff.
The particular structure of the clay and planondulata Pianalto naturally lends itself to retention of surface water, the people have spoken on the territory by building dams can provide water for irrigation, which are fully adapted for the rearing of tench.
The rural landscape was and still is characterized by a large number of small and large fish tanks often obtained in the vicinity of homes and villages. In these increasingly invaded by the tench are bred both as a source of supplemental protein and as a product from the market. In the past, the reservoirs were used simultaneously as clay pits, for watering livestock, irrigation and so on, stagnant water throughout the year and, although subject to the organic load, wide variations in level of oxygen content and temperature, however, allowed the survival of tench, fish that best suited to these extreme conditions.
Most fishmongers is distributed in the municipality of Poirino, but many others, for a total of 400 reservoirs are located throughout the Pianalto. A Pralormo are over 100!
These particular soil and climate factors, combined with the old man's work help to give the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto Poirino of characteristics that can make this production unique. The consumption of this product typically is generally excellent on-site at restaurants and inns.
The link between geological phenomena that have marked the formation of Poirino Plateau and the occurrence of fish species, accounting for the same period, allow us to consider the Tinca tinca an indigenous species already widespread and in-diffusion, from middle-lower Pleistocene period belonging Neozoic era.
The link between geological phenomena that have marked the formation of Poirino Plateau and the occurrence of fish species, accounting for the same period, allow us to consider the Tinca tinca an indigenous species already widespread and in-diffusion, from middle-lower Pleistocene period belonging Neozoic era.
The presence of the hump golden tench in Pianalto, as farmed fish and enjoyed the food and economic value, is proved by documents dating back to XIII century ; even among the many taxes that plagued the rural population Ceresole d'Alba, one required the delivery of varying amounts of tench .
In relatively recent times we have very precise information, for example in the collection " Geographical Studies on Turin and Piedmont " - aa. And vice versa. Giappichelli 1954 - one of the authors, Christmas Veronesi, Tinca dedicated to the breeding of the file: " peaches Pianalto Poirino and utilization of fish " . Among the many curiosities described, Veronesi comes to commercial fishermen, use fishmongers to handle the contracts of others sharecropping and rental; this career there are no major rivers for fish production in the Plateau, was justified by the income of only tench. On the other hand, consulting the 'Deliveries of salt "of Poirino are identified as early as 1775 five families of fishermen, who apparently get their income by farming and sale of tench.
activity professional fishing , meaning that effect the rearing of tench, lasted for centuries and only recently, at the beginning of eighties, it is quite disappearance as a full-time work, being present as an ancillary activity to agriculture. In order to ensure traceability of the product inspection body will give a list of producers, farm ponds and air conditioners.
Info DOP:
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Custom Football Visors
Appointment Eco-
food and wine event full of flavor and della buona cucina , senza dimenticare il rispetto e la sostenibilità ambientale : è questo l’obiettivo del Comune e della Pro Loco di Pralormo!
Info: 335-7459000 - 335-7459001 oppure su
Info: 335-7459000 - 335-7459001 oppure su
Ci trovate in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II di fronte alla fermata navetta
il 28 marzo, 4 – 5 – 11 – 18 – 25 – aprile, 1 – 2 maggio
Servizio dalle ore 11,30 alle ore 14,00:
non must make your reservation!
Here's the menu:
Appetizer - Platter of House: meats and cheeses
First - ravioli with meat sauce
Second - Polenta with Meria EUT Fire Putàge (stew) of Stew Sausage and Sweet
- Tris biscuits or Bunet of the Ninth
Discover recipes and secrets of our products: click here
and prices:
Overcast +1 scope of choice (including starter, main and second) + € 7.50 soft
Covered +2-course (appetizer between the first and second) + € 11.50 sweet
Covered +3 course meal (appetizer, first and second) + sweet 15, € 50
Apart Coffee & Wine Cafe Pusa
Discover all the products used! Click here
Durante le manifestazione “Appuntamento Eco-gastronomico” saranno quindi utilizzate stoviglie monouso biodegradabili e compostabili in Mater-Bi prodotte da Ecozema. All products in the Ecozema ( ) are made with materials that ensure the second biodegradable and compostable EN13432. However, the materials used are of different nature, from various sources including renewable corn starch or residual fiber processing of sugar cane and this means that the characteristics of the product obtained may be significantly different. The main characteristics of each material:
il 28 marzo, 4 – 5 – 11 – 18 – 25 – aprile, 1 – 2 maggio
Servizio dalle ore 11,30 alle ore 14,00:
non must make your reservation!
Here's the menu:
Appetizer - Platter of House: meats and cheeses
First - ravioli with meat sauce
Second - Polenta with Meria EUT Fire Putàge (stew) of Stew Sausage and Sweet
- Tris biscuits or Bunet of the Ninth
Discover recipes and secrets of our products: click here
and prices:
Overcast +1 scope of choice (including starter, main and second) + € 7.50 soft
Covered +2-course (appetizer between the first and second) + € 11.50 sweet
Covered +3 course meal (appetizer, first and second) + sweet 15, € 50
Apart Coffee & Wine Cafe Pusa
Discover all the products used! Click here
consider again a few moments more because my name is "Meet Eco-Gourmet!
La grande affluenza di turisti e visitatori alla manifestazione, e di conseguenza il significativo numero di pasti somministrati (sono oltre 3.000 quelli previsti), si è rivelata un fattore critico nella gestione del riciclo dei rifiuti. A tal proposito i due Enti, in stretta collaborazione con il CCS (Consorzio Chierese per i Servizi), hanno realizzato un progetto volto alla riduzione dei rifiuti, in particolar di quelli non recuperabili .
Durante le manifestazione “Appuntamento Eco-gastronomico” saranno quindi utilizzate stoviglie monouso biodegradabili e compostabili in Mater-Bi prodotte da Ecozema. All products in the Ecozema ( ) are made with materials that ensure the second biodegradable and compostable EN13432. However, the materials used are of different nature, from various sources including renewable corn starch or residual fiber processing of sugar cane and this means that the characteristics of the product obtained may be significantly different. The main characteristics of each material:
Mater-Bi: is a biopolymer developed by Novamont containing natural resources of agricultural origin (starch, vegetable oils), completely biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resistant to a maximum temperature of 85 ° C. E 'milky color and is used for the production of cutlery or in combination with the card, for dishes and glasses. In the film is also used for the production of packaging that surrounds the kit cutlery. During the event also will be used also in Mater-Bi bags for the collection of the organic fraction. More information about
PLA: is a biopolymer derived from corn starch (obtained by a chemical process, but different from the Mater-Bi) is completely biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resistant to a maximum temperature of 55 ° C. E 'perfectly transparent and is used for the production of glasses with aesthetic and mechanical characteristics similar to polystyrene, but because of its poor resistance to high temperatures, suitable only for cold beverages. More information about
pulp cellulose is obtained residual fibers from the processing of some plants, particularly sugar cane, and is therefore 100% natural, biodegradable and compostable according to EN13432. Resist temperatures up to 200 ° C and can be used in microwave and conventional oven. It is used for the production of plates and glasses
During the event, thanks to fruitful collaboration with SMAT (Torino Metropolitan Water Company - http://www.smatorino . com / ) , will also be used in the water in network that will prevent the distribution of PET bottles in , while the wine will be served directly in the glass, thus replacing the bottles of 0,375 ml. Finally, the system will be reorganized distribution of meals.
For a thorough analysis of the initiative CCS (Chieri Consortium of Human Services - ) will pay follow the whole cycle of waste disposal plants up. The initiative is a pilot project to identify of a protocol of action for the management of exhibitions produced by the 19 municipalities in the Consortium.
Beautiful Agony Free Account
Gourmet Food and Wine House in Piazza
fair of food and wine quality in which to explore all the products of local farms "escorted" by the famous Pampavia, typical of dry biscuit and a few other municipalities Pralormo (Cellarengo and Ceresole d'Alba) produced only with flour, eggs and sugar!
This year a portion of Cascine Piazza will host some selected companies presenting their products from local contexts in our neighborhoods: contamination bold and enticing suggestions for demanding palates ...
But the big news of 2010 will be the presence of an eco-friendly booth where they will be made biodegradable and compostable disposable tableware made of Mater-Bi produced by Ecozema used in the stand of "Meet Eco-gastronomy".
And not only that all participants in the demonstration also use bags made of Mater-Bi to reduce the environmental impact of the event.
Following are the participating companies:
an Eco-eczema (compostable products made of Mater-Bi)
Az Olive Oil 2 drops of oil (oil)
3 Az Valrubiagno snail (escargot)
4 Az. Ardizzina (rice)
5 Casa del Tajarin (pasta)
6 Tulipani in resina (Artigianato)
7 Az. Agr. Fratelli Casetta (verdure e conserve alimentari)
8 Panetteria Pasticceria Il Forno di Pasquero G. & C. Snc (pane, rubatà, pampavia)
9 Az. Agr. Cascina La Cerea di F.lli Panero (latte e latticini, carni bianche, Coniglio grigio di Carmagnola)
10 Az. Agr. Cascina Savoiarda di Mario Noè (salumi, Salame di Giora, carni suine e bovine)
11 Az. Agr. Cascina Maresco - di Franco Valsania (vini del piemonte e distillati)
12 Az. Agr. Cascina delle Grazie (Cascina Risolero) Matteo Zappino (Honey, Cogne, Jams, meal Meria EUT Fire, Hazelnut Piemonte)
13 Az. Giorgio Bellocchio (flowers and pot plants)
14 Az. Cascina Bosco d'Orto di Valter Villata (Raw milk and dairy products)
Az.Agr 15. Franco Bellocchio (vegetables)
fair of food and wine quality in which to explore all the products of local farms "escorted" by the famous Pampavia, typical of dry biscuit and a few other municipalities Pralormo (Cellarengo and Ceresole d'Alba) produced only with flour, eggs and sugar!
From 10.00 to 19.00
March 28, 5-11 - 18 - 25 - April
1 to 2 May in
Via Umberto I, free shuttle bus between the station and the Castle of Beraudo Pralormo
hosting the event Messer Tulipano "will stand 15
which we hope will satisfy every appetite!
March 28, 5-11 - 18 - 25 - April
1 to 2 May in
Via Umberto I, free shuttle bus between the station and the Castle of Beraudo Pralormo
hosting the event Messer Tulipano "will stand 15
which we hope will satisfy every appetite!
This year a portion of Cascine Piazza will host some selected companies presenting their products from local contexts in our neighborhoods: contamination bold and enticing suggestions for demanding palates ...
But the big news of 2010 will be the presence of an eco-friendly booth where they will be made biodegradable and compostable disposable tableware made of Mater-Bi produced by Ecozema used in the stand of "Meet Eco-gastronomy".
And not only that all participants in the demonstration also use bags made of Mater-Bi to reduce the environmental impact of the event.
Following are the participating companies:
an Eco-eczema (compostable products made of Mater-Bi)
Az Olive Oil 2 drops of oil (oil)
3 Az Valrubiagno snail (escargot)
4 Az. Ardizzina (rice)
5 Casa del Tajarin (pasta)
6 Tulipani in resina (Artigianato)
7 Az. Agr. Fratelli Casetta (verdure e conserve alimentari)
8 Panetteria Pasticceria Il Forno di Pasquero G. & C. Snc (pane, rubatà, pampavia)
9 Az. Agr. Cascina La Cerea di F.lli Panero (latte e latticini, carni bianche, Coniglio grigio di Carmagnola)
10 Az. Agr. Cascina Savoiarda di Mario Noè (salumi, Salame di Giora, carni suine e bovine)
11 Az. Agr. Cascina Maresco - di Franco Valsania (vini del piemonte e distillati)
12 Az. Agr. Cascina delle Grazie (Cascina Risolero) Matteo Zappino (Honey, Cogne, Jams, meal Meria EUT Fire, Hazelnut Piemonte)
13 Az. Giorgio Bellocchio (flowers and pot plants)
14 Az. Cascina Bosco d'Orto di Valter Villata (Raw milk and dairy products)
Az.Agr 15. Franco Bellocchio (vegetables)
Coinciding Pain With Post Ovulation
Land and Water. Once again these are the elements that will lead us to discover some of the most famous delicacies pralormesi! It seems strange, but its clay soils that characterize this area have always proven to be particularly suitable for the construction of dams.
Water Takes shape in over 100 fish, mostly reservoirs in the vicinity of farms and villages: born to collect the greatest amount of rain water and sewage, are mainly used for breeding of the Golden Hump Tinca Pianalto . This species is distinguished from other varieties for both appearance and taste of flesh, unlike those from paddy or fish site in less clayey soils do not taste "muddy". Particularly appreciated by gourmets is proposed to be fried marinade. (Az. Cascina Fiorentina Filippo Ronco and Az. Savoiarda House of Mario Noah). A witness than they are an integral part of the territory and noble should be noted that some of these fish have been recorded as a Site of Community Importance for the particular habitat and the presence of many wild and migratory birds.
The richness and agricultural vocation of these territories is perceived looking at the hills also posed in the south-eastern Europe, where it has developed since the nineteenth century, the cultivation of lives, especially of barbera, freisa , encouraged and Arneis (Az. Maresco House - Franco Valsania). But tradition and the hills give us other specialties such as the sublime Cogne - grape juice stew with walnuts hazelnuts, apples, pere fichi – a cui si affiancano la Nocciola del Piemonte e gli Antichi Mais macinati a pietra (Az. Agr. Cascina delle Grazie (Cascina Risolero) di Matteo Zappino).
Al contempo i prati che fin dall’epoca longobarda hanno lasciato traccia nel nome di Pralormo hanno favorito lo sviluppo di un variegato settore zootecnico e la nascita di una consolidata cultura lattiero-casearia : da un lato si conferma perfettamente inserita nella tradizione piemontese delle tome e del Murianengo, del Seiras e del Brus (Az. Agr. Cascina La Cerea di F.lli Panero, Az. Agr. Agrisapori (Cascina La Franca) di F.lli Badino, Az. Agr. Cascina Bosco d'Orto di Valter Villata), while the other proposes to taste the ice cream farm, the last born from the imagination and hard work of farming (Az. Agrisapori - Cascina Franca F.lli Badino, visit ).
so widespread and deeply rooted are the 'pig and cattle breeding , which form the points of excellence and Sautisot al'aij salami and salami Giora (Az. Savoiarda House of Mario Noah) . Avi-tunnel farming has focused on native species such as Hen Bionda Piemontese and Carmagnola Grey Rabbit (Az. Bastide The Wax Brothers Panero).
The treasure chest pralormesi also houses a bakery product of ancient origins: the Pampavia biscuit round with eggs sugar and flour for food and light and samples occur at Pralormo and a few other nearby towns (The Pastry Bakery Oven Pasquero G. & C. Snc).
exception of public holidays in April, the stands of "House in the Square" ( visit ), you can find delicious local vegetables and tasty fruit (on all the outstanding Asparagus Pianalto and strawberries) holdings Az. Gianfranco Bellocchio and Az. Brothers Casetta.
The heady journey of the senses continues between the intense and dazzling colors Messer Tulipano ( visit ) and from Castle Park Beraudo Pralormo ( visit ) announce the arrival of spring each year with over 75,000 tulips: the myriad of visitors who annually come to Pralormo in April has made the country one of the most popular tourist neighborhood .
And if you settle the tulips you can dip in the sea of \u200b\u200bcolors and scents of other types of flowers (Az. George Bellocchio).
should also be noted that in addition to "forge the flavor" are three workshops of taste "such as R history nte Cafe King Carl ( visit ) wonderful example of conversion of a noble house from the XVIII century in a local environment, the Restaurant L'Olmo with authentic and refined specialties created with the products of the farmhouses of Pralormo, and Grace Bar - Refreshment of the Friends , authentic Piedmontese piola many delights of the past!. And Finally, to complete this delicious wine and food tour of the family atmosphere ' Hotel Restaurant Squirrel ( visit ) and the' Hotel Restaurant Bar Rio Verde ( visit ), two perfect oasis to rest the weary limbs of travelers greedy!
1 Body Fat Is How Many Pounds
Pralormo - Lake Spina
A fascinating journey through meadows and vineyards, forests and hazel
the discovery of new landscapes and sometimes
immersed in the harmony of nature and quiet places of contemplation!
It 's a way that befits
pylon San Donato. The earliest records date back to 1662 when it is referred to as "old church", reflecting the presence of the ancient inhabited. The current architecture dates back to 1874, when the building was rebuilt at the expense of the City in 1872 after the original building was demolished because now crumbling. Lake Spine takes its name from its namesake Santuario della Spina. The first work on building the lake began in 1827 on the initiative of Count Vincenzo Sebastiano Beraudo, but unfortunately these early works were lost: go back this year to the Letters Patent issued August 28, 1827 by Her Majesty Carlo Alberto, with which it was declared a public utility of the work and approved the rules for "good governance of the reservoir water. "
Nevertheless, the ambitious project to create a reservoir to irrigate the surrounding fields and was not abandoned a few years later on the initiative of Count and Marquis Beraudo Carlo Ferrero della Marmora, consignor of Pralormo, it resumed its work. The direction of these was entrusted to the hydraulic Knight Barabino, who created a work of enormous prestigio non solo per le dimensioni, ma anche per l’ingegnoso meccanismo d’irrigazione di cui dotò l’invaso.
Venne infatti costruito uno sbarramento in materiali sciolti alto 20 metri, trasversale alla piccola valle del rio Torto ed in grado di contenere oltre 1.000.000 di m3 di acqua: il lago è un bacino dalla forma allungata che, nella porzione a monte, si divide in due bracci, uno volgente a sud, l’altro verso nord. Le dimensioni massime raggiungono circa 1 km di lunghezza, e 200 m di larghezza nel punto più ampio. Il fondo dell’invaso si trova ad una quota inferiore ai 281 m s.l.m., mentre la quota di coronamento raggiunge i 295,20 m s.l.m.
Sul lato sud dell’invaso si trova lo sbocco della tunnel junction of the waters of the Rio Riserasco. The gallery is built with bricks for a total of about 150 meters. Climbing up the bed of the river Riserasco, a total distance of 600 meters, we meet a second tunnel dated year 1901 (the gallery to assemble), built in brick and partly covered with concrete, in turn, this second tunnel (600 meters long ) collects the water drained by a gutter capable of collecting the runoff from the slopes of the overlying S. Vito Montà d'Alba (CN).
The quoted works of water supply will result in an irrigation system that uses a floating water collects only the most superficial "The most fertile and warm, avoid cutting the dam whenever it was necessary to irrigate.
After the 1994 flood and damage to the earthen dam, the reservoir level is kept low for safety reasons. The construction works of the organs of discharge under the current regulations will be completed in 2010, again allowing the maximum capacity of the reservoir.
Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn : wanted, according to tradition, the popular devotion, was built after an image of the Virgin painted on a pillar in one eye and scratched by a thorn , gave blood.
The first historical records are derived from the report of the pastoral visit of the Bishop of Asti Archbishop Domenico della Rovere made in 1585. In it we talk about a large crowd of people because of the many miracles and you two altar at which Mass is celebrated. From a church bulletin, written by Don Carlo at the rector of the Shrine in 1925, we learn that the altar was built in 1632. The church was guarded by several religious orders who lived in the adjacent monastery, of which we can mention the Trinity (1639-1652), the Cistercians (1681-1797). The building of the monastery was built in the middle of the seventeenth century on land donated by Gaspare Petrina, lord of the place. From 1797 in 1833, the monastery belonged to a certain Joseph of Turin I will.
In 1833 it was purchased by Marchesi Ferrero della Marmora. In 1877 Don Elijah Francis, in gratitude for the recovery obtained from a long illness, healed by entrusting the renewal of the church interior paintings in a famous painter in the area, Barucco Felice, who painted the figures on the sides under the Blessed Virgin and the times . At the beginning of 900 the monastery went to the daughters of St. Philip. Can be attributed to Don Rodolfo Piglione the restoration work that significantly altered the facade of the sanctuary to which were added the two towers and a small porch, was also knocked down the bell tower located on the conical dome. Since 1991, the property è delle Suore Adoratrici del Cottolengo. La festa della Beata Vergine della Spina si celebra il 15 Agosto con la solennità dell’Assunta.
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pylon San Donato. The earliest records date back to 1662 when it is referred to as "old church", reflecting the presence of the ancient inhabited. The current architecture dates back to 1874, when the building was rebuilt at the expense of the City in 1872 after the original building was demolished because now crumbling. Lake Spine takes its name from its namesake Santuario della Spina. The first work on building the lake began in 1827 on the initiative of Count Vincenzo Sebastiano Beraudo, but unfortunately these early works were lost: go back this year to the Letters Patent issued August 28, 1827 by Her Majesty Carlo Alberto, with which it was declared a public utility of the work and approved the rules for "good governance of the reservoir water. "
Nevertheless, the ambitious project to create a reservoir to irrigate the surrounding fields and was not abandoned a few years later on the initiative of Count and Marquis Beraudo Carlo Ferrero della Marmora, consignor of Pralormo, it resumed its work. The direction of these was entrusted to the hydraulic Knight Barabino, who created a work of enormous prestigio non solo per le dimensioni, ma anche per l’ingegnoso meccanismo d’irrigazione di cui dotò l’invaso.
Venne infatti costruito uno sbarramento in materiali sciolti alto 20 metri, trasversale alla piccola valle del rio Torto ed in grado di contenere oltre 1.000.000 di m3 di acqua: il lago è un bacino dalla forma allungata che, nella porzione a monte, si divide in due bracci, uno volgente a sud, l’altro verso nord. Le dimensioni massime raggiungono circa 1 km di lunghezza, e 200 m di larghezza nel punto più ampio. Il fondo dell’invaso si trova ad una quota inferiore ai 281 m s.l.m., mentre la quota di coronamento raggiunge i 295,20 m s.l.m.
Sul lato sud dell’invaso si trova lo sbocco della tunnel junction of the waters of the Rio Riserasco. The gallery is built with bricks for a total of about 150 meters. Climbing up the bed of the river Riserasco, a total distance of 600 meters, we meet a second tunnel dated year 1901 (the gallery to assemble), built in brick and partly covered with concrete, in turn, this second tunnel (600 meters long ) collects the water drained by a gutter capable of collecting the runoff from the slopes of the overlying S. Vito Montà d'Alba (CN).
The quoted works of water supply will result in an irrigation system that uses a floating water collects only the most superficial "The most fertile and warm, avoid cutting the dam whenever it was necessary to irrigate.
After the 1994 flood and damage to the earthen dam, the reservoir level is kept low for safety reasons. The construction works of the organs of discharge under the current regulations will be completed in 2010, again allowing the maximum capacity of the reservoir.
Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn : wanted, according to tradition, the popular devotion, was built after an image of the Virgin painted on a pillar in one eye and scratched by a thorn , gave blood.
The first historical records are derived from the report of the pastoral visit of the Bishop of Asti Archbishop Domenico della Rovere made in 1585. In it we talk about a large crowd of people because of the many miracles and you two altar at which Mass is celebrated. From a church bulletin, written by Don Carlo at the rector of the Shrine in 1925, we learn that the altar was built in 1632. The church was guarded by several religious orders who lived in the adjacent monastery, of which we can mention the Trinity (1639-1652), the Cistercians (1681-1797). The building of the monastery was built in the middle of the seventeenth century on land donated by Gaspare Petrina, lord of the place. From 1797 in 1833, the monastery belonged to a certain Joseph of Turin I will.
In 1833 it was purchased by Marchesi Ferrero della Marmora. In 1877 Don Elijah Francis, in gratitude for the recovery obtained from a long illness, healed by entrusting the renewal of the church interior paintings in a famous painter in the area, Barucco Felice, who painted the figures on the sides under the Blessed Virgin and the times . At the beginning of 900 the monastery went to the daughters of St. Philip. Can be attributed to Don Rodolfo Piglione the restoration work that significantly altered the facade of the sanctuary to which were added the two towers and a small porch, was also knocked down the bell tower located on the conical dome. Since 1991, the property è delle Suore Adoratrici del Cottolengo. La festa della Beata Vergine della Spina si celebra il 15 Agosto con la solennità dell’Assunta.
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Il Cardinale Giovanni Battista Roero nato nel 1684 fu vescovo di Acqui from 1727 to 1744 years in which he was appointed archbishop of Turin. Reached the peak of his ecclesiastical career with the Cardinal's hat in 1756. A witness of John the Baptist Roero activities are still among the various works done to achieve the Turin side of the church of S. Teresa of the Discalced Carmelites.
Count Carlo Beraudo Pralormo played an important role in the "big" story of the first half of the nineteenth century. He began his career in the Sardinian legation in Berlin (1814-17) and Paris (1820 - 21). He was minister plenipotentiary in Paris and Vienna and the merits acquired covered the role of Minister of Finance, then Interior Minister was the king of Sardinia Carlo Alberto. Appointed Senator in 1848, he negotiated the peace with Austria in Milan in 1849. In 1850 he retired to private life and was given the honor of the collar of the Annunciation and the dignity of Minister of State. In the latter should be the unification of the property of the estate around 1830, when it bought the Roero and La Marmora the other two parties.
Emanuele Beraudo Pralormo won the bronze medal contest of the full team riding at the Olympic Games of 1924 held in Paris.
Piglione Don Rodolfo, an honorary citizen of Pralormo in 1995 on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Liberation. Young Chaplain to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn in September 1944 saved the lives of sixty pralormesi hostages captured in retaliation for the Nazi command, saving the country from terrible acts of retaliation. His figure, curve sull'inseparabile bike, is still alive among those who knew him.
And continuing this brief review we may forget who's creativity and imagination has made it a profession? Of course not! Do you think that is born in Pralormo, and here it is off in November 2006, the only between ... words ... words that its blue ... ... torpedo is able to bring his little ... ... until ... ... Monte Carlo! We are talking about Leo Chiosso , writer and playwright, who has signed all the successes of the unforgettable Fred Hammond, as well as several songs by Mina, Gaber, Dorelli, Vanoni and many others. And it has worked on numerous full TV shows, an all Canzonissima 1962, and garbatissimi children's books, which in 1975 won him the Hans Christian Andersen Award. The most recent of virtue is certainly pralormesi cosmopolitanism.
Gabriele Mura , Marshal of the Force, he attended the 1st course dog lovers in '56 / '57 and then in turn was an instructor until '66. That year, as commander, along with other two colleagues opened the Carabinieri Nucleo Kennelclubs to Pralormo, the first in Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta.
Come scrive Goffredo Casalis i Pralormesi sono … “buoni e robusti”.
Niente male, no? Credetegli, è vero, ma c’è anche molto altro.
Raccontarci sarebbe troppo difficile, troppo lungo, né forse ne saremmo capaci.
Il Cardinale Giovanni Battista Roero nato nel 1684 fu vescovo di Acqui from 1727 to 1744 years in which he was appointed archbishop of Turin. Reached the peak of his ecclesiastical career with the Cardinal's hat in 1756. A witness of John the Baptist Roero activities are still among the various works done to achieve the Turin side of the church of S. Teresa of the Discalced Carmelites.
Count Carlo Beraudo Pralormo played an important role in the "big" story of the first half of the nineteenth century. He began his career in the Sardinian legation in Berlin (1814-17) and Paris (1820 - 21). He was minister plenipotentiary in Paris and Vienna and the merits acquired covered the role of Minister of Finance, then Interior Minister was the king of Sardinia Carlo Alberto. Appointed Senator in 1848, he negotiated the peace with Austria in Milan in 1849. In 1850 he retired to private life and was given the honor of the collar of the Annunciation and the dignity of Minister of State. In the latter should be the unification of the property of the estate around 1830, when it bought the Roero and La Marmora the other two parties.
Emanuele Beraudo Pralormo won the bronze medal contest of the full team riding at the Olympic Games of 1924 held in Paris.
Piglione Don Rodolfo, an honorary citizen of Pralormo in 1995 on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Liberation. Young Chaplain to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn in September 1944 saved the lives of sixty pralormesi hostages captured in retaliation for the Nazi command, saving the country from terrible acts of retaliation. His figure, curve sull'inseparabile bike, is still alive among those who knew him.
And continuing this brief review we may forget who's creativity and imagination has made it a profession? Of course not! Do you think that is born in Pralormo, and here it is off in November 2006, the only between ... words ... words that its blue ... ... torpedo is able to bring his little ... ... until ... ... Monte Carlo! We are talking about Leo Chiosso , writer and playwright, who has signed all the successes of the unforgettable Fred Hammond, as well as several songs by Mina, Gaber, Dorelli, Vanoni and many others. And it has worked on numerous full TV shows, an all Canzonissima 1962, and garbatissimi children's books, which in 1975 won him the Hans Christian Andersen Award. The most recent of virtue is certainly pralormesi cosmopolitanism.
Gabriele Mura , Marshal of the Force, he attended the 1st course dog lovers in '56 / '57 and then in turn was an instructor until '66. That year, as commander, along with other two colleagues opened the Carabinieri Nucleo Kennelclubs to Pralormo, the first in Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta.
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Land Water
The clayey soil, particularly suitable for the construction of fish ponds for water resistance, it has always been particularly hostile to be worked intensively for agricultural purposes, but fortunately it has always been a excellent material for the manufacture of bricks, to the extent that such activity has now taken risvolti industriali.
Troviamo cenni storici sulla presenza di fornaci “domestiche” anche in un atto di vendita del 1342 fra i consignori di Pralormo, in cui fra i vari beni e possedimenti viene citata una fornace, con la relativa argilla e gli edifici necessari per la cottura dei mattoni. Questa fornace deve essere stata molto importante e soprattutto devono esservi stati cotti mattoni per così tanto tempo da lasciare traccia nella toponomastica; infatti in località Carpeneto (probabile luogo di ubicazione della fornace) ancor oggi si trova una zona denominata “furnasa”.
Lo stesso castello aveva all’interno una fornace di cui trace remains in a dispute between the consignor . Subject matter of the dispute over the proximity of that to a haystack, with the consequent danger of fire. Often small furnaces "home" were built directly on the sites where they wanted to build houses or other buildings.
The clayey soil, particularly suitable for the construction of fish ponds for water resistance, it has always been particularly hostile to be worked intensively for agricultural purposes, but fortunately it has always been a excellent material for the manufacture of bricks, to the extent that such activity has now taken risvolti industriali.
Troviamo cenni storici sulla presenza di fornaci “domestiche” anche in un atto di vendita del 1342 fra i consignori di Pralormo, in cui fra i vari beni e possedimenti viene citata una fornace, con la relativa argilla e gli edifici necessari per la cottura dei mattoni. Questa fornace deve essere stata molto importante e soprattutto devono esservi stati cotti mattoni per così tanto tempo da lasciare traccia nella toponomastica; infatti in località Carpeneto (probabile luogo di ubicazione della fornace) ancor oggi si trova una zona denominata “furnasa”.
Lo stesso castello aveva all’interno una fornace di cui trace remains in a dispute between the consignor . Subject matter of the dispute over the proximity of that to a haystack, with the consequent danger of fire. Often small furnaces "home" were built directly on the sites where they wanted to build houses or other buildings.
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Poco distante si trova l’ Antica parrocchiale costruita tra la fine del XVII e i primi anni del XVIII secolo, attualmente in parziale stato di abbandono.

the end of the century, the grandson of the minister, he built the Orangerie, the grand country house and the greenhouse glass and iron work of the brothers Lefevre of Paris.
down from vila jiere towards the lower part of the country, we meet an old villa, Palace Ferreri , better known, according to generations as "Ca 'd' Fassio "or" Ca 'the witches "today is partly intended to use receptive. The history of this house appears to date back to the mid-700, when it was still used as an outpost of the castle guards. Because it certainly was the purchase by Alberto Ferreri Cavelier, alleged stepson of King and Mayor of Pralormo, who worked for the second half of a deep renovation: he realize the park and retrieve the teams but also made build the party room with vaulted ceiling frescoed by the famous brothers of Mossello Montà d'Alba. On the death of this the house passed to the Blanc family, distant relatives of the Cavalier Ferreri. Thereafter, and until the outbreak of World War II the house was used as a police station, by German troops and partisan brigades during the World War II.
From SP 134, 1 mile from the village, towards Cellarengo, you can turn right onto a gravel dirt road at the end of which stands the shrine of St. Donatus, the patron saint Country . The earliest records date back to 1662 when it is referred to as "old church", reflecting the presence of the ancient inhabited. The current architecture dates back to 1874, when the building was rebuilt at the expense of the City in 1872 after the original building was demolished because now crumbling.
Continuing along the SR 29 south to Mount Alba find the indication for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Thorn : wanted, according to tradition, the popular devotion, was built after a 'image of the Virgin painted on a pillar in one eye and scratched by a thorn, let out blood.
The first historical records are derived from the report of the pastoral visit of the Bishop of Asti Archbishop Domenico della Rovere made in 1585. In it we talk about a large crowd of people because of the many miracles and you two altar at which Mass is celebrated. From a church bulletin, edited by Don Carlo at the rector of the Shrine in 1925, we learn that the altar was built in 1632. The church was guarded by several religious orders who lived in the adjacent monastery, of which we can mention the Trinity (1639-1652), the Cistercians (1681-1797). The building of the monastery was built in the middle of the seventeenth century on land donated by Gaspare Petrina, lord of the place. From 1797 to 1833, the monastery belonged to a certain I'll Giuseppe di Torino.
In 1833 it was purchased by Marchesi Ferrero della Marmora. In 1877 Don Elijah Francis, in gratitude for the recovery obtained from a long illness, healed by entrusting the renewal of the church interior paintings in a famous painter in the area, Barucco Felice, who painted the figures on the sides under the Blessed Virgin and the times. At the beginning of 900 the monastery went to the daughters of St. Philip. Can be attributed to Don Rodolfo Piglione the restoration work that significantly altered the facade of the sanctuary to which were added the two towers and a small porch, was also knocked down the bell tower located on the conical dome. Since 1991, the property of the Sisters of Adoration Cottolengo. The feast of Our Lady of the Thorn Aug. 15 is celebrated with the solemnity of the Assumption.
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History Monuments
Water takes shape in a Pralormo fish ponds, spread all over the Pianalto but more concentrated towards the towns of Carmarthen, Poirino, Pralormo, Alba Turin between the state and the Rio Secco. These reservoirs or semiartificiali, mostly in the vicinity of farms and villages, from the need to collect as much rainwater and sewage can be allocated to irrigation and all'abbeveramento animals. Pralormo fact that almost all municipalities of the plateau is characterized by a lack of streams and isolation from surface waters coming down from the Alps. Fortunately, the character of our clay clay allows the creation of these reservoirs are characterized by excellent seal.
are currently used for irrigation, but even more than in the past for farming hump golden Pianalto Tench (Tinca Tinca) function, hence the name fishpond. The surface of the fish that are suitable for irrigation varies from about 4,000 to 10,000 square meters., While the size of their catchment area only two out of the ordinary and should be considered separately: the lake of the Thorn and to Ternavasso (located in neighboring City of Poirino). For their implementation is also exploited natural depressions that were struck on the remaining sides. The average depth of no more than 2:50 to 3:00 m. because on one hand it promotes better collection of water for irrigation on the other a deeper hurt livestock.
The Tench (in dialect "Tenco") has a solid body with fins rather short and soft and the caudal fin dull. The scales are minute and the color is variable, it is usually an olive green, yellow-washed, but you see red gold specimens with or without black spots. In fishing for Pralormo are bred there, which differs from other varieties for both appearance and taste of meat: in fact, unlike the tench paddy site or from fish in clay soils less than the plateau, those moguls gold do not taste muddy.
For these particular characteristics, and pursuant to the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC "on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, was identified SIC - Site of Community Importance "Fisheries and Lakes Pralormo (IT 1110051) : was identified by the presence of rare aquatic plant species even if not organized in well defined populations and the presence of breeding and migratory waterfowl and breeding sites for many amphibians.
Nevertheless, the ambitious project to create a reservoir to irrigate the surrounding fields and was not abandoned a few years later on the initiative of Count Carlo Beraudo and Marquis Ferrero della Marmora, consignor of Pralormo, it resumed its work.
The direction of these was entrusted to the hydraulic Barabino Knight, who created a work of enormous prestige not only in size but also for the ingenious mechanism of which endowed the irrigation reservoir.
it was built a dam 20 meters high in bulk material , cross the small valley of the Rio Torto and able to contain more than 1,000,000 m3 of water : Lake is a reservoir elongated shape that, in the upstream portion, is divided into two branches, one volgente south, the other north. The maximum size reached circa 1 km di lunghezza , e 200 m di larghezza nel punto più ampio. Il fondo dell’invaso si trova ad una quota inferiore ai 281 m s.l.m., mentre la quota di coronamento raggiunge i 295,20 m s.l.m.
Sul lato sud dell’invaso si trova lo sbocco della galleria di derivazione delle acque del rio Riserasco . La galleria si presenta costruita in mattoni per uno sviluppo complessivo di circa 150 metri. Risalendo l’alveo del rio Riserasco, dopo un percorso di circa 600 metri, si incontra una seconda galleria datata anno 1901 ( galleria di Montà ), costruita in mattoni ed in parte rivestita in calcestruzzo; a sua volta questa seconda galleria (lunga 600 metri) raccoglie le acque drenate da un canale di gronda capace di raccogliere gli scoli dei soprastanti versanti a partire dalla località S. Vito di Montà d’Alba (CN).
Le citate opere di adduzione delle acque consentirono di realizzare un sistema di irrigazione che tramite un galleggiante raccoglieva solo l’acqua più superficiale “più fertile e tiepida”, evitando di tagliare la diga tutte le volte che fosse necessario irrigare.
Dopo l’alluvione del 1994 e i danneggiamenti alla diga in terra battuta, il livello del bacino viene mantenuto basso for safety reasons. The construction works of the organs of discharge under the current regulations will be completed in 2010, again allowing the maximum capacity of the reservoir.
Water takes shape in a Pralormo fish ponds, spread all over the Pianalto but more concentrated towards the towns of Carmarthen, Poirino, Pralormo, Alba Turin between the state and the Rio Secco. These reservoirs or semiartificiali, mostly in the vicinity of farms and villages, from the need to collect as much rainwater and sewage can be allocated to irrigation and all'abbeveramento animals. Pralormo fact that almost all municipalities of the plateau is characterized by a lack of streams and isolation from surface waters coming down from the Alps. Fortunately, the character of our clay clay allows the creation of these reservoirs are characterized by excellent seal.
are currently used for irrigation, but even more than in the past for farming hump golden Pianalto Tench (Tinca Tinca) function, hence the name fishpond. The surface of the fish that are suitable for irrigation varies from about 4,000 to 10,000 square meters., While the size of their catchment area only two out of the ordinary and should be considered separately: the lake of the Thorn and to Ternavasso (located in neighboring City of Poirino). For their implementation is also exploited natural depressions that were struck on the remaining sides. The average depth of no more than 2:50 to 3:00 m. because on one hand it promotes better collection of water for irrigation on the other a deeper hurt livestock.
The Tench (in dialect "Tenco") has a solid body with fins rather short and soft and the caudal fin dull. The scales are minute and the color is variable, it is usually an olive green, yellow-washed, but you see red gold specimens with or without black spots. In fishing for Pralormo are bred there, which differs from other varieties for both appearance and taste of meat: in fact, unlike the tench paddy site or from fish in clay soils less than the plateau, those moguls gold do not taste muddy.
For these particular characteristics, and pursuant to the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC "on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, was identified SIC - Site of Community Importance "Fisheries and Lakes Pralormo (IT 1110051) : was identified by the presence of rare aquatic plant species even if not organized in well defined populations and the presence of breeding and migratory waterfowl and breeding sites for many amphibians.
At this point it is necessary to draw attention on the Thorn Lake , which borrows its name from the eponymous Santuario della Spina. The first work on building the lake began in 1827 on the initiative of Count Vincenzo Sebastiano Beraudo, but unfortunately these early works were lost: go back this year to the Letters Patent issued August 28, 1827 by Her Majesty Carlo Alberto, with which it was declared a public utility of the work and approved the rules for "good governance of the reservoir water."

The direction of these was entrusted to the hydraulic Barabino Knight, who created a work of enormous prestige not only in size but also for the ingenious mechanism of which endowed the irrigation reservoir.
Sul lato sud dell’invaso si trova lo sbocco della galleria di derivazione delle acque del rio Riserasco . La galleria si presenta costruita in mattoni per uno sviluppo complessivo di circa 150 metri. Risalendo l’alveo del rio Riserasco, dopo un percorso di circa 600 metri, si incontra una seconda galleria datata anno 1901 ( galleria di Montà ), costruita in mattoni ed in parte rivestita in calcestruzzo; a sua volta questa seconda galleria (lunga 600 metri) raccoglie le acque drenate da un canale di gronda capace di raccogliere gli scoli dei soprastanti versanti a partire dalla località S. Vito di Montà d’Alba (CN).
Le citate opere di adduzione delle acque consentirono di realizzare un sistema di irrigazione che tramite un galleggiante raccoglieva solo l’acqua più superficiale “più fertile e tiepida”, evitando di tagliare la diga tutte le volte che fosse necessario irrigare.
Dopo l’alluvione del 1994 e i danneggiamenti alla diga in terra battuta, il livello del bacino viene mantenuto basso for safety reasons. The construction works of the organs of discharge under the current regulations will be completed in 2010, again allowing the maximum capacity of the reservoir.
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Pralormo The country lies on a hill situated in a transition area between Pianalto the furthest reaches of the beginning of the Roero. The name is a combination of two words "Pratum to ulmum" , firmly established as probably the Lombard tradition of planting trees (elm, oak, etc.) Symbolic points in the village.
The last example of monumental elm, which occupied the corner of Via Carlo Morbelli place and Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 900 fell in early because of lightning: two photographs, depicting the 'specimen before and after the disaster, are preserved in the Council Chamber and are framed with bark recovered from the trunk.
of citations Pralormo to appear in the thirteenth century. but it is the opinion of many historians that the origin is more ancient and that the local 'is identified with the "Predarolo" mentioned in the act of donation of March 14, 1065 in which Adelaide of Susa , daughter of the Marquis of Susa and Turin Olderico Count Manfredo II, yielded different lands to the bishop of Asti.
As already mentioned, the most significant historical events for the formation of the historical center of Pralormo are concentrated in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , meets planning brought to completion by the then-powerful town of Asti in order to render more secure the trade routes of the merchants from Asti to Europe. In fact, at the beginning of the '200 Pralormo seems to be divided between two major families: the lords of Anterisio and Desaya one hand, who controlled the area from Ceresole Stuerda to the river to Rio Verde, Gorzano and the other part, extending their influence westward to the edge of the hills that overlook the river Rio Verde.
documents found by the poor show that the first settlement of Pralormo was located southeast of the country, in places where today stands the shrine dedicated to St. Donatus, the patron saint of the community. As evidence of this there are many remains, including human, demonstrating the presence of a cemetery and the ancient settlement later abandoned and moved to the current site as a result of the war between the lords of Biandrate and the town of Asti.
The authoritative expert on the history of the Roero Baldassarre Molino supports the hypothesis that the new center of Pralormo arose simultaneously with that of other countries such Poirino, Channel, Montà, Buttigliera d'Asti in the mid-thirteenth century. In 1276 as inferred from an agreement with the town of Asti, the Gorzano seem to be the only lords of the castle and place of Pralormo. However at the beginning of the fourteenth century we find the consignor of the fief of Pralormo Pelletta e qualche decennio più avanti i Roero, famiglia che conserverà il feudo almeno in parte fino agli anni Venti dell’Ottocento.
Secondo il Guasco, il 17 novembre 1339 Giovanni Secondo Paleologo Marchese di Monferrato e signore di Asti, investì del luogo Manfreacio (o Manfredo) Roero. Il feudo fu variamente ripartito fra diversi consignori: alle tre linee costituite dai figli di Manfreacio si aggiunsero altre famiglie che per brevi periodi godettero di porzioni anche minime di castello, giurisdizione, beni. I secoli XVI e XVII furono molto importanti nella storia del feudo perché alla famiglia dei Roero si affiancarono nuove famiglie: i Costa della Trinità e di Polonghera, i Petrina, i Dal Pozzo di Voghera, the Beraudo, and Ferrero della Marmora.
Everything depended on the fact that in the sixteenth century they became extinct two lines of Roero whose heritage it is, by virtue of marriage agreements, costs and Arignano Polonghera and costs of the Trinity. In fact, in 1574 Luciana and Catherine Roero Roero last descendants of Jerome divided the paternal inheritance. This act is an important moment in the history of Pralormo for two reasons: the first is that it contains valuable information on the history of the country and the farms that were part of the division of inheritance, the second is that from here began many inheritance and disposals leading new families in the feud.
The November 15, 1679 Cristina Broglia, widow of George Maria Costa of the Trinity, gave up one third of the manor to James Beraudo who was invested in May 1680 . James, chairman of the Senate, also got 20 January 1680 granting the title of count for the portion of the jurisdiction acquired by him on the spot. Also in 1679 Felice Ferrero della Marmora bought from brother Francesco Costanzo Polonghera the remainder of the third and the castle.
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