Literary Prize Deadline (30/09/2010)
Regolamento 2010 del “Premio Letterario Giorgio Scerbanenco”
Per iniziativa della Direzione del Courmayeur Noir in Festival, in accordo con la famiglia Scerbanenco, è bandito per l’anno 2010 il “Premio Letterario Giorgio Scerbanenco”, da assegnare ad un’opera di narrativa italiana di genere noir con le caratteristiche e secondo le modalità sotto indicate. La Segreteria del Premio è domiciliata presso la sede organizzativa del Courmayeur Noir in Festival, c/o Studio Coop., Via Panaro 17 – 00199 Roma (tel 06 8603111, email: ).
1. Possono concorrere al Premio le opere italiane di narrativa noir (yellow, thriller, mystery), which are regularly entered the contest by the editor or author. The works must be published for the first time in volume during the period October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010 and regular trade, and their authors be living at the time of the selection meeting. Can not compete for the works of nature essay, graphic novels, truecrime, anthologies of short stories and books published by publishers for a fee. Can not be taken into account previously published works, even with a different publisher. In case of any dispute the decision of the Technical Committee set up specially.
2. The publishers and authors who are interested in entering i loro romanzi al Premio, si impegnano a far pervenire alla Segreteria per email esplicita richiesta di partecipazione, a partire dal momento della pubblicazione fino al termine massimo del 30 settembre 2010. L’indirizzo a cui inviare la richiesta è:
3. La Direzione del Festival nomina ogni anno, con mandato triennale rinnovabile, la Giuria del Premio, formata da scrittori, critici e cultori del genere e dal Presidente, nominato in accordo con la famiglia Scerbanenco. Non potranno far parte della Giuria direttori editoriali, dipendenti di case editrici e curatori di collane editoriali di genere noir. La Giuria e il suo Presidente restano in carica per un triennio e possono essere rinominati per unsecondo triennio. L’accettazione part of the jury involves the implicit acceptance of these Regulations; also includes participation in events organized by the award at the closing celebration, and a willingness to intervene in other initiatives related to the Prize and this year organized by the Festival .
4. The Department also appointed a Technical Committee consisting of three persons and chaired by the President of the Prize, Cecilia Scerbanenco, which has the specific task of establishing, in the interpretation of these regulations, eligibility or not to award the proposed works. Findings of the Technical Committee is final.
5. Publishers or authors of these works must send the Secretary of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival, starting from the time of publication until the deadline of September 30, 2010 (starts from the date of dispatch documents), nine copies of each work entered. In the event that the work does not contain the suenote typographical indication of the month and year of publication, this information must be established by written declaration by the publisher under his full responsibility. If the work was published under a pseudonym, you need a written statement that the name of the author. Copies of the work should be sent to the Secretary's Award for free and will not be returned. Authors of works entered in the competition that they would not enter the competition must state explicitly in writing to the Secretariat before the final selection.
6. The Jury of the will as November 1, 2010 to the selection of a shortlist of finalists, not exceeding a maximum of twenty titles. They can also be chosen works that have received prizes in literary competitions that are of general or in advance by the award winning authors Scerbanenco. Discrezionedella A jury may be excluded from the competition novels that are winners of literary awards for crime fiction. The jury's decision is final.
7. The list of the twenty finalists will be published on the website of the Festival and the literary supplement of La Stampa "Tuttolibri" and thus subject to the opinion of readers who will vote for their favorite title on the website of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival not later than November 20, 2010.
8. The sum of the weighted votes "privileged" the jury and those of the readers voting will lead to the five finalists of the "Premio Giorgio Scerbanenco 2010. The authors of fiction finalists will give their consent to be included in the fives, if not automatically replace the first non-classified.
9. The presence of the five finalists for the award involves the participation of the authors events organized during the Festival, except in cases of force majeure.
10. The Festival will provide travel expenses and subsistence to the authors of the five finalists who will be present in Courmayeur at the event. These works may use the title "George Scerbanenco Award Finalist" and this statement will be given by the editor on a special tape to be carried out according to the organizers of the Courmayeur Noir in Festival.
11. The Prize Jury will meet during the Courmayeur Noir in Festival to decide the winner of the year. The decision will be taken by simple majority and in case of a tie, the Chairman's vote will double value. E 'possible to resolve an ex aequo.
12. The work that gets the most votes from the jury during the deliberation session was proclaimed winner of the "Premio Giorgio Scerbanenco 2010" and its endorsement by the Publisher may be put on a special tape to be carried out in agreement with the organizers the Courmayeur Noir in Festival. Winning work will receive a plaque and awarded an additional prize money of € 3,000 (three thousand). In the case of ex aequo the prize among more than one work is divided into equal parts.
13. The awards will take place in Courmayeur in the course of the Festival. Prizes must be collected in person by the victors. Except in cases of force majeure, if not purchased by the author winner, the prize money will not be delivered.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mobile Kates Play Ground
La principale novità di quest’anno è rappresentata dall’introduzione della cerimonia di apertura del Palio dei Borghi che darà il via all’ormai collaudato programma sportivo e culturale.
L’Associazione Turistica Proloco Pralormo (da quest’anno ufficialmente coadiuvata dal Comitato Organizzazione Palio, composto dai 5 capi borgo) in collaborazione con il Comune di Pralormo e con il supporto tecnico dell’Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero (Montà d’Alba - CN), propone per giovedì 2 settembre, una passeggiata notturna con animazione final stage and snack.
More specifically, the program provides for the meeting at 21.00 at the dam of Lake of the plug (on the restaurant) where the group will leave for a walk along the old road along the lake, down the long road to climb to the caramel and Pilone San Donato.
at the pylon will be a stop where he will be the theatrical interpretation of "the prince HAND MADE" staged by the young Blue Angel Theatre Company and enriched with live music group Los Refuse: short stories drawn from the known collection of "Italian Folktales", from different regional traditions of Italy and transcribed author Italo Calvino in the mid-fifties. Kings and queens, princes and sharecroppers, sorcery and spells, fantastic animals and fairy-like paradoxes on a stage made of natural landscapes, to bring the walker to plunge into the ancient world and ancient fables which today also fascinate adults and children.
The choice of animation theatrical exploits in fact the main theme of the show "Night in the rocks", or hikes organized by the Ecomuseum of 9 municipalities in the Roero, with the intention of involving the public pralormese and not in a suitable appointment to all age group, due to the simple level of difficulty of the trail and animation for everyone.
L’ultima tappa del percorso prevede il ritorno sulla diga del lago per lo spuntino della buonanotte con tisane, specialità pralormesi e frutta di stagione.
Gli appassionati della bicicletta potranno partecipare alla passeggiata in MTB, percorrendo un itinerario alternativo guidato, per ricongiungersi nei momenti di animazione e rinfresco finale al corteo dei trekkers.
Attrezzatura richiesta:
- Per chi percorre il sentiero a piedi: scarpe da ginnastica/trekking (obbligatorie), torcia elettrica e bastone (consigliati)
- Per chi percorre il sentiero in mountain bike: casco e luci (obbligatori)
Lago Spina / Pilone di San Donato - Giovedì 2 settembre ore 21.00
La principale novità di quest’anno è rappresentata dall’introduzione della cerimonia di apertura del Palio dei Borghi che darà il via all’ormai collaudato programma sportivo e culturale.
L’Associazione Turistica Proloco Pralormo (da quest’anno ufficialmente coadiuvata dal Comitato Organizzazione Palio, composto dai 5 capi borgo) in collaborazione con il Comune di Pralormo e con il supporto tecnico dell’Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero (Montà d’Alba - CN), propone per giovedì 2 settembre, una passeggiata notturna con animazione final stage and snack.
More specifically, the program provides for the meeting at 21.00 at the dam of Lake of the plug (on the restaurant) where the group will leave for a walk along the old road along the lake, down the long road to climb to the caramel and Pilone San Donato.
at the pylon will be a stop where he will be the theatrical interpretation of "the prince HAND MADE" staged by the young Blue Angel Theatre Company and enriched with live music group Los Refuse: short stories drawn from the known collection of "Italian Folktales", from different regional traditions of Italy and transcribed author Italo Calvino in the mid-fifties. Kings and queens, princes and sharecroppers, sorcery and spells, fantastic animals and fairy-like paradoxes on a stage made of natural landscapes, to bring the walker to plunge into the ancient world and ancient fables which today also fascinate adults and children.
The choice of animation theatrical exploits in fact the main theme of the show "Night in the rocks", or hikes organized by the Ecomuseum of 9 municipalities in the Roero, with the intention of involving the public pralormese and not in a suitable appointment to all age group, due to the simple level of difficulty of the trail and animation for everyone.
L’ultima tappa del percorso prevede il ritorno sulla diga del lago per lo spuntino della buonanotte con tisane, specialità pralormesi e frutta di stagione.
Gli appassionati della bicicletta potranno partecipare alla passeggiata in MTB, percorrendo un itinerario alternativo guidato, per ricongiungersi nei momenti di animazione e rinfresco finale al corteo dei trekkers.
Attrezzatura richiesta:
- Per chi percorre il sentiero a piedi: scarpe da ginnastica/trekking (obbligatorie), torcia elettrica e bastone (consigliati)
- Per chi percorre il sentiero in mountain bike: casco e luci (obbligatori)
The pylon San Donato will host theatrical improvisation (photo: P. Tachis, 2010)
What Can You Dye Sheer Curtains With
6th edition Palio dei Borghi
Friday 3 / 9
at 21.00 Bocce Campo Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Jiere + Horse / Praccioni
Saturday 4 / 9
at 20.30 Oratorio - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Scarrone / Jiere Horse + / + Praccioni Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Sunday 5 / 9
08,30 Cascina Franca - Franca Route 5
Clay Pigeon Shooting
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse Jiere + / Praccioni
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Jiere + Horse / Praccioni
21.00 Bowls - Via XX Settembre
Race to Step Women Over 35
Monday 6 / 9
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Brand to Re
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Table Football
21.00 hours Campo Bowls - Square Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
Tuesday 7 / 9 Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele
Volleyball: Scarrone / Jiere Horse + / + Praccioni Scarrone / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
at 21, 00 Field Bowls - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Praccioni / Villa + Scarrone / Horse
Wednesday 8 / 9
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Horse / Villa Scarrone + / + Praccioni Jiere / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse
21.00 hours Campo Bocce - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa
Thursday 9 / 9
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Volleyball: Jiere / Horse + Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa
21.00 hours Campo Bocce - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Praccioni Jier + / Villa
Friday 10 / 9
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Volleyball: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa Scarrone + / + Praccioni Jiere / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Praccioni Jier + / Villa
Sunday 12 / 9
09:15 hours Location Praccioni
Cross Country
15.30 hours Piazza Risorgimento
Tug Rope
17.00 hours on Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Closing Ceremony - Awarding of the sixth edition of the Palio of the towns end with refreshments.
Friday 3 / 9
at 21.00 Bocce Campo Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Jiere + Horse / Praccioni
Saturday 4 / 9
at 20.30 Oratorio - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Scarrone / Jiere Horse + / + Praccioni Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Sunday 5 / 9
08,30 Cascina Franca - Franca Route 5
Clay Pigeon Shooting
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse Jiere + / Praccioni
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Jiere + Horse / Praccioni
21.00 Bowls - Via XX Settembre
Race to Step Women Over 35
Monday 6 / 9
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Brand to Re
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Table Football
21.00 hours Campo Bowls - Square Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
Tuesday 7 / 9 Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele
Volleyball: Scarrone / Jiere Horse + / + Praccioni Scarrone / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Villa Jiere + / Horse
at 21, 00 Field Bowls - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Praccioni / Villa + Scarrone / Horse
Wednesday 8 / 9
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Soccer 5: Horse / Villa Scarrone + / + Praccioni Jiere / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse
21.00 hours Campo Bocce - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa
Thursday 9 / 9
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Volleyball: Jiere / Horse + Praccioni / Villa Scarrone + / Horse
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa
21.00 hours Campo Bocce - Piazza Risorgimento
Bowls: Scarrone / Praccioni Jier + / Villa
Friday 10 / 9
Oratory at 20.30 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Volleyball: Jiere / Praccioni + Horse / Villa Scarrone + / + Praccioni Jiere / Villa
Oratory at 21.00 - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Ping Pong: Scarrone / Praccioni Jier + / Villa
Sunday 12 / 9
09:15 hours Location Praccioni
Cross Country
15.30 hours Piazza Risorgimento
Tug Rope
17.00 hours on Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Closing Ceremony - Awarding of the sixth edition of the Palio of the towns end with refreshments.
Audi A6 '99 Remote Car Starter
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Sunday, September 5 at 11:30
This year the traditional carriage stroke will be accompanied by a very significant moment for the Community: The Blessing of a Child. They invited all children under 14 years old, who will receive a balloon (With the ability to personalize with a message and your contact details, hoping thus to establish new contacts with those who were to pick it up eventually) be released into the air.
Reference is made to ride the wagon Pralormo at least a couple of centuries and Mons.Pietro Joseph Conti in his book "Adventures of a parish priest in the diocese of Asti, 1903, report that they have found citations of the wagon in the parish period dating back to 1734.
A Pralormo, as elsewhere in the Piedmont (remember for example Riva at Chieri, Chieri, Villanova and St. Paul Solbrito), it is customary to run the car on the occasion of the patron. Tradition has it that a four-wheeled wooden cart pulled by oxen, but with the passage of time has been modernized and adapted to various local situations. The main purpose of the chariot race was to raise funds for the needs of the Church dedicated to the patron saint. The task of organizing and managing the collection is given annually to two presidents (also known as "Masie") this year are the spouses Renato and Nadia Burzio with the takeover (next year) and Livio Antoinette Rinaudo.
By the time this first appearance he added others such as the procession through the streets of the town, the recitation of "stranot" enchantment of the hat. For several years (over 20) Pralormo to the cart does not move from the square since the displacement along Via Umberto I was considered too broad.
The "stranot" whose contents are poems in dialect or praise the actions of the public good or less good to mock those who are charged with managing the common good.
The magic hat, another peculiarity of Pralormo wagon and a few others in the area, recalls the "abbeys" manly or companies, once much in vogue in the countries. The conquest of the hat to those conferred by magic was in their possession, power, authority and immunities and crowned "King of the party." It 's a tradition that has never been extinguished for ever.
Thanks to the cooperation and intervention of the municipal administration since last year the car will again be "pulled" (actually still remains in the square opposite the Church) by a pair of oxen, dressed in the vestments of the party, so as in the past: there are about 40 years that was not the case anymore! Even in the early eighties, the wagon was pulled by a tractor "brand new, offered for the occasion by a dealer in the area."
Since 2008, a component of each village Pralormo, salt on the car for a quick play "stranot" mercy seat. After follow
il rinfresco offerto dai Rettori.
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Sunday, September 5 at 11:30
pair of oxen to pull the wagon (photo: G. Fogle, 2009)
Reference is made to ride the wagon Pralormo at least a couple of centuries and Mons.Pietro Joseph Conti in his book "Adventures of a parish priest in the diocese of Asti, 1903, report that they have found citations of the wagon in the parish period dating back to 1734.
A Pralormo, as elsewhere in the Piedmont (remember for example Riva at Chieri, Chieri, Villanova and St. Paul Solbrito), it is customary to run the car on the occasion of the patron. Tradition has it that a four-wheeled wooden cart pulled by oxen, but with the passage of time has been modernized and adapted to various local situations. The main purpose of the chariot race was to raise funds for the needs of the Church dedicated to the patron saint. The task of organizing and managing the collection is given annually to two presidents (also known as "Masie") this year are the spouses Renato and Nadia Burzio with the takeover (next year) and Livio Antoinette Rinaudo.
By the time this first appearance he added others such as the procession through the streets of the town, the recitation of "stranot" enchantment of the hat. For several years (over 20) Pralormo to the cart does not move from the square since the displacement along Via Umberto I was considered too broad.
The "stranot" whose contents are poems in dialect or praise the actions of the public good or less good to mock those who are charged with managing the common good.
The magic hat, another peculiarity of Pralormo wagon and a few others in the area, recalls the "abbeys" manly or companies, once much in vogue in the countries. The conquest of the hat to those conferred by magic was in their possession, power, authority and immunities and crowned "King of the party." It 's a tradition that has never been extinguished for ever.
Thanks to the cooperation and intervention of the municipal administration since last year the car will again be "pulled" (actually still remains in the square opposite the Church) by a pair of oxen, dressed in the vestments of the party, so as in the past: there are about 40 years that was not the case anymore! Even in the early eighties, the wagon was pulled by a tractor "brand new, offered for the occasion by a dealer in the area."
Since 2008, a component of each village Pralormo, salt on the car for a quick play "stranot" mercy seat. After follow
il rinfresco offerto dai Rettori.
Burns Tinned Cat Food
Chiesa Parrocchiale, piazza Vittorio Emanuele II - Sabato 11 settembre ore 21.00
Con immensa gioia, ci apprestiamo a vivere un altro momento magico, il prossimo 11 settembre alle ore 21.00 in occasione della seconda rassegna delle corali dedicata alla memoria di Don Guido Franco che avrà luogo presso la Chiesa parrocchiale di Pralormo.
Dall’agosto 1968 al luglio 1970, Don Guido Franco prestò la sua opera come vice Parroco in aiuto all’ ormai anziano Don Teobaldo Massasso.
He particularly care for young people, founded a theater company also teaching children to singing and music. When in 2001 Don Guido prematurely disappeared leaving a huge void in our hearts, the echo of what happened was huge and was manifested through various statements expressed in the press. However, the rivers of ink could not be enough to commemorate paid in full, over the figure of the priest, even that of the musician and passionate founder and curator of the Polyphonic Choir of Villafranca d'Asti.
short, something was missing! ... The master Pasquero bound by deep friendship, musician and harmonize many of the pieces performed by the choir Don Guido, began to mature the idea of \u200b\u200ba survey that would gather the experiences of many choirs scattered throughout our valleys in order to keep alive what has been one of his greatest aspirations. For eight long years, the project remained only as a dream in a drawer.
Finally last year, thanks to Don Carlo's current pastor of Villafranca was put into effect the first edition, the moment was lived with great interest and excitement in the hope that the initiative had a follow-up . Indeed there is a better glue of music and song to bring together many people and so many hearts in a single memory that the scope of these reviews have the objective of making indelible legacy of this priest.
Thanks Don Guido.
sleep on our communities.
Marco P. and F. Romano
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Old Do I Have To Be For Retirement
Literary Award Giuseppe Giusti (Deadline 10/09/2010)
The Award is divided into four sections, three of which
Poetry - Fiction - Books
alternatively be implemented while the section devoted to satire with published works of fiction, poetry and graphics, is present every year.
This year will be considered non-fiction works published and also, as every year, the first work by a young author (maximum age 35 years) that can be either poetry, fiction or nonfiction.
A select and view the works competition in a panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters as follows: Henry Ghidetti (President) Joseph Amodei, Marino Alberto Balducci, Sergio Givone, Elena Gianini Belotti, Marco Marchi, Anna Nozzoli.
All entries must be received by September 10 will be the postmark.
The rules and procedures for the accession can be downloaded from the site of the town
or may be required to 0572.959228/41 Cultural Office of the City available for any clarification.
The City of Monsummano Terme and the Association of Volunteers Italian Blood (AVIS), section of Monsummano Terme, promote international literary prize called "literary prize GIUSEPPE GIUSTI.
Article 2
The award is divided into four sections, three of which (A, B, C) implemented either: A
- Poetry published;
B - published fiction;
C - Books published;
D - Satire, Annual reserved for published works of fiction, poetry, graphics.
We shall examine the recommended works by authors, publishers, members of the Jury, published as provided by art. 7.
in the "A", "B" and "C" each year a prize will be reserved for the work before a young author (age limit 35 years).
In 2007, the year of initial application of this regulation, the competition will be confined to the "C" works of fiction published. In subsequent years, the order will, in turn, as follows: "A", "B", "C".
may be reported:
- For the "A" a collection, edited and poems;
- For the "B" a single work published;
- For the "C" work published;
- For the "D" a work published.
The works must be accompanied by a declaration that the stesse non sono risultate vincitrici del I° premio in altri concorsi.
Art. 4
Al concorso possono partecipare autori italiani e stranieri.
Le opere devono essere in lingua italiana; quelle in lingua straniera o in dialetto, per essere ammesse al concorso, devono essere accompagnate da traduzione in lingua italiana curata dai concorrenti.
Alla segnalazione devono essere unite almeno otto copie dell’opera, pena l’esclusione dal concorso.
Art. 5
Non potranno partecipare al concorso opere di ex membri della Giuria del "Premio letterario Giuseppe Giusti", prima che siano trascorsi cinque anni dalla appartenenza alla Giuria del Premio medesimo.
Art. 6
Gli organizzatori del Premium reserve the right to publish, while maintaining, in the case of commercial exploitation, the copyright in accordance with the prevailing legislation, the material admitted to the competition and in particular the works have been successful.
In this case, the volume will be distributed nationally and will be sent to literary critics, press and libraries.
Each author will share ten copies of the book.
The entries can be edited in the three years preceding the date of publication of the prize. For works
reported by the author, by publishers, members of the jury, means that the competition has been approved by the author.
Article 8 The
membership cards, duly completed should reach the Secretariat of the Prize (PO Box 199-51015 or Monsummano Terme: Piazza IV Novembre 75 / h, 51 015 - Monsummano Terme) by September 10 of each year. The stamp and postal cards not postmarked before the deadline will not be eligible for the competition.
The material included in the selection will not be returned.
The organization is not liable for damage or tampering due to shipping.
Article 9 The works will be evaluated, according to final and binding, by a special panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters, which may vary from year to year.
The names of members, seven in number, saranno resi noti annualmente al momento della pubblicazione del Bando.
Art. 10
I premi sono così stabiliti:
- Sezioni “A”, “B” e “C” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- Sezione “D” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- “Opera prima” premio unico Euro 500,00.
Ai vincitori è garantita una promozione pubblicitaria attraverso la stampa e in rete Internet.
Art. 11
Gli organizzatori provvederanno ad avvisare in tempo utile i vincitori e l'esito del Premio sarà reso noto attraverso la stampa ed altri canali di informazione.
Art. 12
I premi non ritirati personalmente entro trenta giorni dalla data Award will not be assigned and will be used for the next edition. Article 13
No refund for travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation for participants of the prize. Article 14
Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this regolamento.ano Spa - (PT)
Cultural Office, Monsummano Terme
Phone 0572 959 236 Fax 52 283 0572
email: @ e.vigilanti
Emanuela Watchers
expires September 10 of each year
Send in a sealed envelope together with an application developed to
Terme Piazza IV Novembre, 75 / h
51015 Monsummano Terme - (PT)
The Award is divided into four sections, three of which
Poetry - Fiction - Books
alternatively be implemented while the section devoted to satire with published works of fiction, poetry and graphics, is present every year.
This year will be considered non-fiction works published and also, as every year, the first work by a young author (maximum age 35 years) that can be either poetry, fiction or nonfiction.
A select and view the works competition in a panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters as follows: Henry Ghidetti (President) Joseph Amodei, Marino Alberto Balducci, Sergio Givone, Elena Gianini Belotti, Marco Marchi, Anna Nozzoli.
All entries must be received by September 10 will be the postmark.
The rules and procedures for the accession can be downloaded from the site of the town
or may be required to 0572.959228/41 Cultural Office of the City available for any clarification.
The City of Monsummano Terme and the Association of Volunteers Italian Blood (AVIS), section of Monsummano Terme, promote international literary prize called "literary prize GIUSEPPE GIUSTI.
Article 2
The award is divided into four sections, three of which (A, B, C) implemented either: A
- Poetry published;
B - published fiction;
C - Books published;
D - Satire, Annual reserved for published works of fiction, poetry, graphics.
We shall examine the recommended works by authors, publishers, members of the Jury, published as provided by art. 7.
in the "A", "B" and "C" each year a prize will be reserved for the work before a young author (age limit 35 years).
In 2007, the year of initial application of this regulation, the competition will be confined to the "C" works of fiction published. In subsequent years, the order will, in turn, as follows: "A", "B", "C".
may be reported:
- For the "A" a collection, edited and poems;
- For the "B" a single work published;
- For the "C" work published;
- For the "D" a work published.
The works must be accompanied by a declaration that the stesse non sono risultate vincitrici del I° premio in altri concorsi.
Art. 4
Al concorso possono partecipare autori italiani e stranieri.
Le opere devono essere in lingua italiana; quelle in lingua straniera o in dialetto, per essere ammesse al concorso, devono essere accompagnate da traduzione in lingua italiana curata dai concorrenti.
Alla segnalazione devono essere unite almeno otto copie dell’opera, pena l’esclusione dal concorso.
Art. 5
Non potranno partecipare al concorso opere di ex membri della Giuria del "Premio letterario Giuseppe Giusti", prima che siano trascorsi cinque anni dalla appartenenza alla Giuria del Premio medesimo.
Art. 6
Gli organizzatori del Premium reserve the right to publish, while maintaining, in the case of commercial exploitation, the copyright in accordance with the prevailing legislation, the material admitted to the competition and in particular the works have been successful.
In this case, the volume will be distributed nationally and will be sent to literary critics, press and libraries.
Each author will share ten copies of the book.
The entries can be edited in the three years preceding the date of publication of the prize. For works
reported by the author, by publishers, members of the jury, means that the competition has been approved by the author.
Article 8 The
membership cards, duly completed should reach the Secretariat of the Prize (PO Box 199-51015 or Monsummano Terme: Piazza IV Novembre 75 / h, 51 015 - Monsummano Terme) by September 10 of each year. The stamp and postal cards not postmarked before the deadline will not be eligible for the competition.
The material included in the selection will not be returned.
The organization is not liable for damage or tampering due to shipping.
Article 9 The works will be evaluated, according to final and binding, by a special panel of writers, critics and lovers of letters, which may vary from year to year.
The names of members, seven in number, saranno resi noti annualmente al momento della pubblicazione del Bando.
Art. 10
I premi sono così stabiliti:
- Sezioni “A”, “B” e “C” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- Sezione “D” premio unico Euro 2.000,00;
- “Opera prima” premio unico Euro 500,00.
Ai vincitori è garantita una promozione pubblicitaria attraverso la stampa e in rete Internet.
Art. 11
Gli organizzatori provvederanno ad avvisare in tempo utile i vincitori e l'esito del Premio sarà reso noto attraverso la stampa ed altri canali di informazione.
Art. 12
I premi non ritirati personalmente entro trenta giorni dalla data Award will not be assigned and will be used for the next edition. Article 13
No refund for travel expenses, subsistence and accommodation for participants of the prize. Article 14
Participation in the competition implies the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this regolamento.ano Spa - (PT)
Cultural Office, Monsummano Terme
Phone 0572 959 236 Fax 52 283 0572
email: @ e.vigilanti
Emanuela Watchers
expires September 10 of each year
Send in a sealed envelope together with an application developed to
Terme Piazza IV Novembre, 75 / h
51015 Monsummano Terme - (PT)
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