C'è poco da scrivere le foto sono eloquenti e parlano da sè. La pista ciclabile in località "La Fiora" è da mesi terminata ed è ancora oggi TRANSENNATA da un lato, perciò quasi inutilizzabile.
Essa, come si evince dalle foto, è interrotta da due ampi passi carrabili per automezzi, la sua lunghezza misura circa 20/25 pedalate, quindi, può essere utilizzata solo da bambini di 2/6 anni, il costo, mi pare di aver letto, si aggiri intorno agli euro 100,000, so far I have not seen any cyclists use it, and do not see how could it be otherwise gave himself the 'absurdity of the real and effective use of this so-called cycle track.
At this point the harassed citizen asks who are the Directors and / or public officials who have affixed their signatures to authorize the construction of such work unnecessary?
How can you have such a dullness in the management of public money?
If you really "must necessarily" spend taxpayers' money, that we do not squander it with cathedrals in the desert completely unnecessary.
That money could have been used to pave roads as primary Viale Circe, Viale Europa, Via Mortacino etc., Etc., Etc. reduced to a mule.
It was noted that Via Sicilia, Via del Piegarello and the beginning of Viale Europa, which runs from Via del Viale della Vittoria Piegarello were paved, well! Lucky residents of those roads, especially when these are paved roads and all other major roads in the city center?
the undersigned is no longer posting in this Blog, for eight months, since at this stage delle cose il cittadino è impotente e frustato davanti a questa "anomala oligarchia" che tiene questa città in uno stato eufemisticamente VERGOGNOSO.
Circa 40.000 persone devono subire e sottostare a poche centinaia di persone e qualche migliaio di collusi, che a volte ottengono,"per gentile concessione", semplicemente ciò che in un "Paese Civile" (mera utopia diventarlo) lo si ha di diritto: UN LAVORO, come recita la nostra Costituzione.
Nella stragrande maggioparte dei casi riescono ad avere una mera "PROMESSA" di un qualche impiego, che quasi sicuramente non viene mantenuta adducendo the most unusual excuses that only those who speak the "newspeak" is capable of inventing.
And every nation has the government it deserves, and the result is more than evident
What is most disturbing is the fact that all the new characters that look out on the political scene, directly and mostly indirectly, have no intention to change this well established "cartel", any person entering "in public" as it is defined today, he wants to be part of changing the "system" and to "operate" the PA, so that the people can see improving the quality of their lives, even think, let alone do so.
I hope to be proved wrong ... mah ?.... I doubt it ... it is likely that we will continue for many years to suffer all this, the acquisition of a civil conscience and morality is still a pipe dream at this latitude.
The Promoter of the Committee Cycle Terracina email: terracinaciclabile@gmail.com