Monday, July 13, 2009

Ap Biology Lab 1 Manual Answers


In order to be exhaustive with regard to my comment ...
infringements by bicycle ... "
see Post: DDL SAFETY: STOP THE "defiled" ... MAYBE!

not get me wrong, though the writer is an advocate for urban mobility in cycling, this is not synonymous with permissiveness toward the rider. In fact, even sue, as was done in other posts in this blog, my firm opposition ' use of the sidewalk Viale Circe as if it were a bike path.

Before the handlebars of any bicycle hit in the head some child or some adult in the back (later, I will be talking about an incident that is something unpredictable, but here we are in probability) then look to the forces of 'in order to enforce the TOS, then punish the offenders according to law.

As written, you can not solve the problem individually using the sidewalk as a bike path harming other citizens, pedestrians. Tackle the problem with those responsible, the Mayor and his administration, realize that the long-awaited CYCLE PATHS and cycle lanes .
Chimera, dolce chimera!

Si invitano, pertanto, i ciclisti che utilizzano il marciapiede di Viale Circe come pista ciclabile, ad astenersi dal farlo, di attivarsi socialmente affinchè vengano realizzate PISTE CICLABILI e CORSIE CICLABILI a doppio senso di circolazione.
Il Comitato Terracina Ciclabile è ciò che sta cercando di fare, serve il vostro apporto, contattateci!

Ribadisco l'invito alle Forze dell' Ordine, soprattutto al Comandante ed agli Agenti di Polizia Locale, a sanzionare e perseguire i trasgressori in base alla vigente normativa del C.D.S. A ridare, quindi, ai pedoni la perduta sensazione di potersi fare una rilassante, quiet walk along the Lungomare Circe, and we hope the first label, without environmental pollution and noise of the cars. The Organizing Committee

Terracina Cycle

East Northumberland High School


Here are some links related to the recent security DDL. Some of the rules contained in it deal with themes of "dear" to the Committee Cycle Terracina.

Click the following link: DDL security full text.
View 's art. 3 Section 6 - Article 3, paragraph 14 "decoration of the streets" Added the art. 34A of the Highway Code "Anyone who pollute the public streets litter from vehicles or objects in motion or parked shall be punished by a fine of 500 €.

Related Links: 11de-a24c-00144f02aabc.shtml

up to three months prison and a fine ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 € for those who damage things of historical or artistic. If the offense is committed on real property or public transportation the punishment is imprisonment up to six months or a fine of up to one thousand euro. Punished with administrative fine of 1,000 € are also those who sell spray paints containing non-biodegradable under the age of eighteen.

street decoration
Administrative penalties of not less than 500 € for those who pollute the public streets. A thousand fines of 500 € for those who throw waste from the window of cars or motorcycles parked or moving.

up to three years prison for anyone taking advantage of a child begging for fourteen years.

Well, in the light of the above would be written: ERA NOW! ERA NOW! CHEERS!

NO! Unfortunately, it does not. Laws in the area already existed, not new laws are just been made more stringent sanctions. They were not enforced before, they are not enforced now and in the near future. See the anti-smoking law, first law during 1975, for a discrete application we had to reach the 'year 2003 (only 28), and gave himself much more there is to it that still allows smoking in the presence of children in public gardens, in private places closed, etc.etc.

But reading this list of prohibitions can not be not be wrapped in a veil of sadness, a Magone of discouragement, disappointment, anger, bewilderment and shame. Why? Well, we care to be part of the G8, G14 and who knows what other "G" in Europe to be fully equal with other European countries, to be a world power, so we are told, and then issues a DDL is a tumbler of prohibitions worthy of a country in the third quarter we also world, which is civilized and erudite EDUCATING his people. These countries "partners" such "G" and "Old Europe", they have read for a lifetime, from year 30/50, and do not feel at all belittled in his own personal freedom, as is the beautiful country.

Eh! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in this latitude NOT to drive the "beloved" and longed-smoking car with his left hand and talking on the phone with his right hand, is a real limitation to their individual freedom, W ITALY!

Who will have the chance to arrive at perhaps 2039 will see the full application of these rules, at this stage or migrate to other shores, or are resigned to live surrounded by "rubbish" , and to suffer the 'incivility ' and rudeness of others.

Incidentally those who will "stain" of these offenses are not the poorest or most ignorant people, etc.. No, those are perfectly placed in so-called "Civil Society" , wealthy entrepreneurs, professionals, employees who may also cover some institutional leaders, managers or any association Ambientalista, vanno "predicando" la cultura ecologia e sono loro stessi i primi ad "INSOZZARE" il territorio.
EH sì! Perchè la cicca di sigaretta a terra la buttano tutti, l'ho visto fare ai suddetti ed anche a coloro i quali hanno il compito di controllare il territorio: Poliziotti, Carabinieri, Vigili Urbani, etc., in divisa, scena avvilente. Per non parlare poi di coloro i quali tutti "impettiti" lasciano le deiezioni dei loro cani sui marciapiedi, è meramente vergognoso.

Tuttavia, nei prossimi mesi vedremo come nella città di Terracina il predetto DDL verrà applicato, Sarebbe più corretto dire se verrà fatto rispettare. Well, we'll see in the near future our "Ineffable First Citizen" what will you do if the command will provide you with local police to enforce those standards, as the Mayor's official government should protect public health, or if the ignore and Terracina and tourists will continue to live with garbage and filth.

Also in DDL that reads:
license suspension for offenses with the bicycle "If the driver is a person with ... (...) driving license, if, under this code, are established administrative sanctions removal, suspension or revocation of license di guida, le stesse sanzioni amministrative accessorie si applicano anche quando le violazioni sono commesse alla guida di un veicolo per il quale non è richiesta la patente di guida».

A tal proposito penso che il legislatore doveva essere più lungimirante, la predetta normativa non può essere minimamente condivisibile, per il semplice fatto che vale il vecchio detto :
"Due pesi e due misure".
Ovvero, tutti coloro i quali non sono in possesso della patente di guida di fatto non possono essere perseguiti (minorenni e non solo) quindi, discriminante, poichè alcuni cittadini non sono sanzionabili,perciò anticostituzionale. Sicuramente tra un paio di anni la legge dovrà essere abolita o modificata almost completely, with all the consequences and heavy cost for us, "inept" taxpayers.

The Promoter of the Committee Terracina Cycle

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Softball Jerseys Simulator


Well, Councillor for Public Works Franco Ferrari regarding the work of pitch of urban roads with effect from Monday, July 6, 2009 :



Work begins on city roads with bitumen: intervention councilor Ferrari

but I do not read Viale Circe list of roads affected . I hope it is a "forgotten" editoriale. Viale Circe non mi sembra possa vantare un manto stradale da fare invidia ad un biliardo, quindi, considerando che Terracina è una città votata al turismo balneare si può affermare che sia l'arteria primaria, perlomeno nella stagione estiva, perciò sarebbe quantomeno "bizzaro" che NON sia inserita nell'elenco delle strade interessate ai lavori.
Dunque, si chiede all' Assessore, Sig. Ferrari , VIALE CIRCE sarà interessata dai lavori di rifacimento del manto stradale, oppure i Terracinesi, e non solo, se la dovranno tenere così come è "semimulattiera" ?

L'intervento Councillor for Public Works Franco Ferrari
Competition for the rehabilitation of street Circe and the project of Europe
Vince Deon Studio in Rome

Our Post on 22.03.2009 :

The Committee Terracina Cycle ASKS:

WHEN? Datos that this "IDEAS COMPETITION FOR THE REVITALIZATION OF EUROPE AND Viale Circe" has had a cost to the cotribuente (is insignificant when Hall and / or Regional, are always public money) I would not think it was done only for the sake of it, so I suppose it was announced the winner of Concos be able to implement his project, then, I repeat, we
WHEN: "... the avenue Europe and manufactures a unique way to march along the avenue Circe (direction Roma - Napoli). The choice allows you to expand the section of the platform and build the bike path along the whole stretch of coast. The direction of travel (Rome - Naples )..." When we

: "... From the electric bus shelters located along Viale Circe and Europe, covered with photovoltaic panels ..."? When we

: "... the drinking fountains in travertine and watchtowers bathing ...".

Dunque, chiedo all' Assessore, Sig. Ferrari, QUANDO lo studio DEON di Roma, vincitore del progetto, realizzerà quanto riportato nel suddetto articolo?

Perchè io non voglio neanche lontanamente pensare che questo concorso sia stato indetto solo per sperperare i soldi dei contribuenti e le sinergie delle persone che vi hanno lavorato, quindi, mi aspetto che, " a breve", venga realizzato quanto sopra.

Nello medesimo Post di cui sopra è stato riportato il seguente articolo datato 22.11.2005 (n.d.r sono trascorsi quasi QUATTRO ANNI):

Piste ciclabili? Risponde l'Assessore Serra

dove il Dr.Serra , allora Assessore al Turismo , affermava, di fatto, che A BREVE, ripeto per i più distratti ... A BREVE , i Terracinesi ed i turisti avrebbero potuto pedalare sulla pista ciclabile di Viale Circe. Ebbene, siamo approdati nell'anno 2009, sono trascorsi circa 4 anni, l'interlocutore è cambiato,
"oggi", il nuovo Assessore al Turismo è il Sig. Giuseppe Amuro , al quale chiedo di esprimersi, di rilasciare un suo parere per quanto concerne il suddetto articolo del suo predecessore riguardo la realizzazione delle piste e CORSIE CICLABILI a Terracina.

Sono anni, anni who speaks, speaks of Ski \\ cycle lanes but when they are made?
The city wonders why those who hold institutional issuing statements and press releases on time and are not reflected in the facts and reality? The Organizing Committee

Terracina Cycle