Poetry prize Lorenzo Montano (Deadline 31/03/2011) Poetry prize Lorenzo Montano NE
The Award is dedicated to Lorenzo Montano (Verona 1895 - Glion-sur-Montreux, 1958), poet, novelist, critic, one of the founders of one of the most important journals of the early twentieth century, "The Ronda
Special edition for the twenty-five years of the Jury Prize Award
George Bonacini, David Fields, Mara Cini, Flavio Ermini, Mark Fury, Rosa Pierno, Ranieri Teti
The Prize is competing with a collection of unpublished poems, no less than 200 verses. As part of the
received the Award Jury will select the finalists collected and marked. Among the latter shall appoint the winning work, which will be published by Editions Anterem in the series "The research literature", with participation by the Public Library of Verona.
The poems are introduced by a critical reflection.
The volume will be presented on the website of "Anterem" and will be widely disseminated. It will also be sent to newspapers, magazines, critics, libraries and universities.
In order to enhance the poets who have never published in volume, there are special awards for best debut.
In this respect, the same should be highlighted on the title and note biobibliografica.
AWARD 'published works'
The Prize is competing with a volume of poetic writings published after 1 January 2008. The records are not excluded in the form of images or music, video or audio media. The poet
winner, chosen by the Jury from a list of poets reported and finalists will be awarded, thanks to the contribution of the Culture of the Province of Verona, a cash prize.
AWARD "one unpublished poem"
The Prize is necessary to submit an unpublished poem, which costituisca per l’autore un momento privilegiato nell’ambito della sua ricerca poetica: un testo che proprio nell’unicità trovi la sua ragione.
Al vincitore sarà attribuita dalla Prima Circoscrizione di Verona un premio in denaro.
Le poesie segnalate, finaliste e quella vincitrice saranno designate dalla Giuria del Premio.
Al Premio si concorre inviando una prosa inedita (sia essa narrazione, saggio breve, nota critica, prosa poetica). Caratteristica di questo Premio è la sua grande libertà stilistica e di genere.
Il testo non dovrà superare le 6000 battute (tre cartelle).
Al Anterem by the winner will be awarded a cash prize. The finalists
prose and marked as the winner, will be designated by the Jury.
"Selected Works"
recognition - special and out of competition - is for the Jury Prize to an author who has contributed his work to expand the paths of knowledge that tend the truth in contemporary poetry.
The prize is awarded each time a poet, a novelist, an essayist, a translator.
Thanks to the decisive participation of the Veneto Region, the writer is recognized publication by Anterem Editions, a collection of texts selected from his published and unpublished works. The work is introduced by a broad critical reflection.
CEREMONIES AND AWARDS During the twenty-five years of the Prize will be promoted specific initiatives to give greater visibility to the works of the winners, finalists and reported for all sections in which the prize is divided, "unpublished collection," "published works", "An unpublished poem," A novel prose "," Selected Poems ".
POETS WINNERS read their texts over a big multimedia event that will involve, musicians, publishers of poetry, literary critics and philosophers, representatives of websites and magazines. In that event, the Jury Prize also invite some of the poets finalists, marked and listed. For all the winners and finalists of the Award Jury will propose a series of critical reflections, in a theoretical study on contemporary poetry.
ALL WORKS WILL BE RECEIVED THE AWARD cataloged and stored, along with manuscripts and volumes of the most important contemporary poets at the Documentation Center on Contemporary Poetry "Lorenzo Montano" in the Biblioteca Civica di Verona, available to critics, historians lovers of literature and poetry.
THE COMPOSER Francesco Bellomo, Professor of the Conservatory of Milan, will dedicate a song to each of the winning entries. The music will be performed during the awards ceremony, as well as being summarized on the website and www.anteremedizioni.it www.youtube.it
the Conservatory of Trento "FA BONPORTI" SECTION OF RIVA DEL GARDA, will organize a series in Europe conferences and concerts involving the execution of original music dedicated to the winners of the Prize.
THE MAGAZINE ON-LINE "paper in the wind", the real news of poetry, will host in-depth critical notes on the poems winners and finalists, along with the most significant tra i testi poetici pervenuti. Prodotto da Anterem Edizioni, il periodico troverà spazio sul sito www.anteremedizioni.it. Notizia dell’avvenuta uscita on-line sarà inviata tempestivamente a tutti i partecipanti per posta elettronica.
Tutte le opere, sia edite che inedite, devono essere inviate in tre copie alla sede del Premio, in via Sansovino 10 - 37138 Verona, Italia, entro il 31 marzo 2011.
Su ciascuna delle tre copie va riportata la nota biobibliografica del poeta con indirizzo, recapito e-mail e telefonico.
Per partecipare al Premio è necessario iscriversi per almeno un anno all’Associazione Culturale Anterem come Soci Onorari.
The membership fee is Euro 29.00 - payable to the DC post aad Anterem 10583375 intestate, by Zambelli 15, 37121 Verona, or bank check made out to the Association Anterem or money order.
Remittances can also be done by bank transfer Anterem Association and supported by the Banca Popolare di Verona, p.za Nogara 2 - 37121 Verona, IBAN: IT.71.K.05188.11701.000000165753
Such payment entitles to participate in all sections of the Award.
copy of the coupon must be attached to the texts of the future remittance sent.
for sending the photographs provided by publishers, means che l’autore sia a conoscenza della partecipazione. È altresì necessario che il tagliando dell’avvenuta rimessa accompagni ogni opera presentata.
Le opere pervenute non saranno restituite.
L’esito del concorso sarà reso noto sul sito Internet del Premio: www.anteremedizioni.it
Verrà inoltre pubblicizzato sulla stampa periodica nazionale e sulla rivista “Anterem”.
Segreteria del Premio: via Sansovino 10 - 37138 Verona
tel. 3466710751 (dalle ore 14 alle 15 e dalle ore 19 alle 20)
e-mail: premio.montano@anteremedizioni.it